We must not only look at the surface[字], but only rely on evidenc[控]e. This is the first rule of law.
If one can do one's duty, one can feel as if he were eating pears and drinkin[字]g honey, and counter[控]act the bitter taste of life.
One should be praised[文] and encoura[章]ged to do today's work happily[来] and to greet tomorro[自]w's work happily[文].
What I have done is far better than what I have done; the rest I shall have is far sweeter[自] than everyth[文]ing I know.
For every thing that may be present[章]ed to me, I shall not offer one hand.
Ren Aixian starts from himself[文] and starts with others first.
This is the worst time, but it is also the best era.
If, after a few years, I could convinc[章]e myself of my witheri[来]ng fate and learn from your past experie[自]nce, I would not have been a man for all my life.
Just as a person who doesn't know anythin[文]g about paintin[字]g critici[控]zes one of my paintin[文]gs, a person who doesn't know anythin[章]g about music critici[来]zes one of my songs, I'm not annoyed[自] at all.
No matter where I go, I am looking[控] for happine[文]ss. I would never go anywher[章]e to find pain, because[来] I was born to be a merry person.[自] Only when pain is found on my head, can I be miserab[文]le.
There is an indispe[文]nsable conditi[字]on in our life; we should defend it bravely[控] until the last minute.[文]
Use gentle means to deal with physica[控]l trauma,[文] with a gentle attitud[章]e to comfort[来] people's mental pain.
I was really lonelie[来]r than Robinso[自]n, because[文] althoug[字]h he was lonely,[控] no one looked at him, no one saw his lonelin[文]ess.
We must have a heart that never hardens[控], a never weary temper,[文] and a style that will never be damaged[章].
I hope he doesn't want to be against[控] himself[文]. I hate people who are right with themsel[章]ves.
Though the road is far away, it is already[文] on the way and is coming.[章] Tell you, it will never retreat[来], nor will it stop.
To be ungrate[文]ful to the first benefac[章]tor and lucky founder[来] in the early years should be retribu[自]tion.
Only a true friend will say this to you. If you can't be extraor[文]dinary along the straigh[字]t road, don't go out of your way just to be extraor[控]dinary.[文]
Forgive[控]ness is a noble quality[文], a noble virtue that is beyond your control[章] and control[来].
I had no right to ask for his propert[字]y, so I made up my mind not to ask for trouble[控], but to ask for fish, and I never changed[文] my mind.
Intimat[文]e love, like estrang[章]ement, is unpredi[来]ctable,[自] and the former is even more mysteri[文]ous and elusive[字].
There are many miserie[文]s in the world waiting[字] for me; and once in the midst of them, it is permiss[控]ible to show some heroic qualiti[文]es.
Never leave what you can do today until tomorro[控]w. Procras[文]tinatio[章]n is a thief who steal time. Catch him!
No matter what is good or bad, whether[控] it is forgiva[文]ble or unforgi[章]vable, things have been cast, and no longer can be recalle[来]d.
If a person has a certain[文] quality[章], he has the appreci[来]ation of that quality[自].
Stubbor[文]n perseve[章]rance can conquer[来] any summit in the world.
On social occasio[自]ns, you shouldn[文]'t drink too serious[字]ly. You don't have to be so meticul[控]ous. The bottom of the glass flips upside down into your mouth and the rim of the glass is pressed[文] down on your nose.
Without[字] the help of a selfles[控]s self sacrifi[文]cing materna[章]l love, the child's mind will be a desert.[来]
Happine[文]ss can never be achieve[字]d without[控] strong love, without[文] a loving heart, without[章] God's gratitu[来]de, which is guided by compass[自]ion and charact[文]erized by great love for all living beings.[字]
What I have done is far better than what I have done; the rest I shall have is far sweeter[文] than everyth[字]ing I know.
Extreme[自]ly monoton[文]ous life can make people lose interes[字]t and courage[控] to survive[文].
No matter what status and positio[章]n of people,[来] for the beauty of things,[自] there is no lack of ability[文] to learn; for the talent,[字] there is no lack of incisiv[控]e perform[文]ance.
When a father makes a sin, he often reports[控] to the child, and his mother gains virtue and reports[文] to the child.
If you think you can do anythin[文]g big or small with a passion[章], you might as well get rid of the wrong idea.
When I was away from abroad,[文] my eyes always looked at my hometow[章]n. Though I have made money there, my days are boring.[来]
A lot of good and a lot of evil are always mixed and interac[文]ted.
One eye twinkle[字]d with love, while the other was burning[控] selfish[文] desire.[章]
Disting[字]uish between[控] right and wrong, heavy evidenc[文]e, compare[章] with a cool head.
As long as he is amiable[字], that is much better than his learnin[控]g.
Since I saw you, I have been trouble[文]d by a regret that I thought[字] I would never condemn[控].
Many good-he[控]arted people tend to exagger[文]ate their good deeds wishful[章]ly and excessi[来]vely, resulti[自]ng in over-op[文]timisti[字]c illusio[控]ns.
There are two kinds of people engagin[字]g in charity[控]: one is a person who says nothing[文], the other is a person who does not speak.
We should face all this bravely[文]. We should forget our misfort[章]une and live in the challen[来]ge instead[自] of being overwhe[文]lmed by adversi[字]ty.
He himself[控] is a small officia[文]l meal, but he can not find happine[章]ss in this circle.[来] Really,[自] happine[文]ss can only be found in happy familie[字]s.
The world is a place to start a busines[自]s, not a place to idle about.
Persist[文]ence in love is a good thing, but if there is no perseve[字]rance in other ways, perseve[控]rance in love is worthle[文]ss and meaning[章]less.
People often lose their mind when they are most horribl[控]e in spirit.[文]
Think of it, we are so strong because[控] we are very happy, and he is so fragile[文] because[章] of his misfort[来]une.
Everyon[字]e knows everyth[控]ing except himself[文].
It is useless[字] to look back on the past, unless it will affect the current[控] events.[文]
A true lover always wishes to come to his beloved[来], or near him, even if he loses the pleasur[自]e of being with others;[文] he never forgets[字] to be with her.
The best way to prolong[自] the daytime[文] is to steal a few hours from the night.
In a word, first too timid to do what you know you shouldn[文]'t do, then too timid to do what you know you should do.
To tell the truth, I abide by the golden rule, whether[文] cheap or lose, I will do so, but unfortu[字]nately I often lose.
Sowing again is like the seed of plunder[文] and oppress[字]ion, and it must be the fruit of the same species[控].
My life is monoton[自]ous and boring.[文] It is consumi[字]ng my life bit by bit.
The most annoyin[来]g thing in the world is to despise[自] your own home.
If you lack sinceri[来]ty or are relucta[自]nt to do somethi[文]ng, you will not achieve[字] much even if you have great ability[控].
A man of stiffne[控]ss and gloom and depress[文]ion, no matter how he was born or dressed[章], is the worst man in the world.
I have a principle: to think of doing one thing, we must do it and do it thoroughly.