Has been cool, I have grown up, learn to smile, learn to be strong,[字] learn not to shed tears, but still learn not to forget him.
You are aura, I am stupid;[字] you are delicat[控]e, I am rustic;[文] you smell, I am angry; you are angry, I am angry. Everyth[章]ing is only for you.
Look at the sky, the sun and the moon, silent;[章] the mountai[来]ns and rivers,[自] for generat[文]ions; just like in my heart, you never leave, never change.[字]
We may be able to love two people at the same time and be loved by two people.[字] Unfortu[控]nately,[文] we can only stay with one of them.
Don't forget to bloom. That's the dream you have when you are a seed.
For your good, I will think about it. Your poor, I choose to be dumb.
Love, this is not a heart to beat another[字] heart, but a spark that the two hearts strike togethe[控]r.
Communi[自]cation between[文] people is the most importa[字]nt. Don't expect others to be able to measure[控] you.
Persist[文]ence is to courage[字], as the wheel is to lever, that is the eternal[控] renewal[文] of fulcrum[章].
We can give up the fate that is no longer brillia[控]nt, but don't give up the youth that you once raised.[文]
Happine[文]ss is walking[章] with your lover. Happine[来]ss is eating your mother's favorit[自]e dishes.[文] Happine[字]ss is the childre[控]n's turning[文] around your heels.
I hope we can not send you home in the future,[字] but we will go back to our home togethe[控]r!
Time is indiffe[字]rent to memory,[控] and it is strange[文] to save.
Those who have not stood in wait will not know how to bend their legs for a long time.
Whose love palace is built with virtue,[文] walled with wealth,[字] shined with beauty,[控] and roofed with glory, is the happies[文]t man.
As long as you dare to bet on my future happine[控]ss, I dare to spare my life to accompa[文]ny you to the end and never let you lose.
The struggl[文]e for happine[章]ss, no matter how hard it is, is not pain, but happine[来]ss, not tragedy[自], but drama.
If a person loves you or does not care about you, you will feel it. Do not deceive[来] yoursel[自]f, do not force yoursel[文]f.
In this tortuou[文]s secular[字] world, it is also a realm to learn to treat everyth[控]ing around with an ordinar[文]y heart.
If you know how to cherish[文], you will find that you gain more and more, if you pursue ignoran[章]tly, you will find that you lose more and more quickly[来].
I am self willed,[章] I am stubbor[来]n, I am mean, I am jealous[自]. But if I don't love you, who cares so much.
Nobody can add or subtrac[来]t love and figure out how long and how far it will take us to find him.
Those who know delicio[章]us food will not eat steak fully cooked;[来] those who know love will not promise[自] everlas[文]ting.
If you can hold somethi[文]ng up and put it down, it is called weight lifting[字]. If you can hold somethi[控]ng up but can not put it down, it's called weight bearing[文]. Unfortu[章]nately,[来] most of people are bearing[自] heavy burdens[文] when they are in love.
To the world you may be one person,[来] but to one person you maybe the world.
One yard code, self ideal is always in the first place.
Allow me to build a beautif[文]ul cottage[字] in your heart, never mind others say it is illegal[控].
Always in the torn moment,[自] it can reflect[文] its unforge[字]ttable beauty.[控]
If one day, I can't continu[字]e breathi[控]ng, it just means that my world lacks air, or you.
Emotion[文]al wounds are hard to heal. Even if the wound is healed,[字] a brillia[控]nt scar will be left behind.[文]
You must never abandon[字] me. You are the first person I love and the only one I love.
From now on, Ansheng[文] is a bright and kind-he[字]arted child. He knows how to work hard and starts to live a good life.
If anyone seeks, no woman in the world is floatin[字]g. Because[控] of this, women will be so fascina[文]ted.
In this lifetim[控]e, I don't need much, just a bowl of rice and a cup of tea, but I hope the rice is made by you and the tea is made by you.
A person in love can step on the cobweb that drifts in the wind without[控] falling[文]. Illusiv[章]e happine[来]ss makes his soul float lightly[自].
If you want to be loved by others,[来] you must first make yoursel[自]f worthy of love, not one day, one week, but forever[文].
You are the distant[章] place that I can not expect.[来] I am the humble you can touch.
Be the first person to wake you up in the morning[文] and be the last person to watch you fall asleep at night.
Happine[字]ss is just pulling[控] the right hand, even if you lose the sense of directi[文]on, but still don't be afraid.[章]
I just want to find someone[文] who can bear my tears when I'm disappo[章]inted and let me bite my shoulde[来]r when I'm happy.
If you have the ability[文], take care of yoursel[章]f, or let me take care of you honestl[来]y.
Some people will not forget,[文] because[章] no willing[来] to; some people must forget,[自] because[文] it is not worth it.
If a woman puts on a pattern[来] in front of you, she will like you.
When I like you, I am dumb, I dare not talk to you, I dare not face you.
When I like you, you can wave. I can wait. When I don't like you, you wave me more waves.
Sometim[来]es, it's just to hide away from love. Evade is the figure,[自] can not hide is the silent feeling[文]s.
The most sad thing in the world is that I will not fall in love again, but lose the strengt[自]h to go back to love.
I'm really afraid that what I give you is my heart. You still have my knife. Friends[章]hip or love.
Since love, why not say somethi[控]ng, and some things lost, it will never come back!
You will meet such a person,[自] you touched[文] him, he moved you.
I want everyon[来]e to know my humble feeling[自]s and desires[文], so I mention[字]ed my pen.
In this age of sentime[自]ntality[文], dear, at best, it is a hello.
Time takes away innocen[章]ce, dilutes[来] feeling[自]s and destroy[文]s dreams.[字]
Emotion[文] is so wonderf[字]ul, always do not believe[控] in love at first sight I began to believe[文]: love at first sight is the soul of love.
If one day we can't be togethe[控]r, please put me in your heart, I will stay here forever[文].
It's snowing[文] outside[章] the window,[来] making a cup of coffee,[自] holding[文] it cold, then I know I think of you again. How can I expect you to underst[字]and?
The deepest[自] love is not necessa[文]rily the most suitabl[字]e for oneself[控], but the most suitabl[文]e one is not necessa[章]rily the deepest[来] love.
If you give me the same as others,[控] I would rather not.
Leave, let everything become simple, let all have reason to be reforgiven, let us go back.