1、Busin[文]ess is busines[章]s。公事公办。[来]
2、Mind acts upon mind。心有[自]灵犀一点通。
3、Good wine needs no bush。酒香[文]不怕巷子深。
4、A stitch in time saves nine。防微[字]杜渐。
5、All rivers run into the sea。殊途同[控]归。
6、Sow nothing[文],reap nothing[章]。春不播,秋不[来]收。
7、Use legs and have legs。经常[自]用腿,健步如飞[文]。
8、All for one,one[字] for all。我为人[控]人,人人为我。[文]
9、Cloth[章]es do not make the man。人不在[来]衣装。
10、Neve[自]r trust to fine words。切[文]勿轻信漂亮话。[字]
11、1Clo[控]thes do not make the man。人不在[文]衣装。
12、Be swift to hear,sl[章]ow to speak。多[来]听少说。
13、It is never too late to mend。亡羊[自]补牢,犹未为晚[文]。
14、Lost[字] time is never found again。光[控]阴一去不复返。[文]
15、Vari[章]ety is the spice of life。变化[来]是生活的调味品[自]。
16、Spee[文]ch is the image of actions[字]。语言是行动的[控]反映。
17、A friend is best found in adversi[文]ty。患难见真[章]友。
18、Behi[来]nd bad luck comes good luck。塞翁[自]失马,焉知非福[文]。
19、Frie[字]nd ship remain and never can end。友谊永[控]固。
20、Ther[文]e are tricks in every trade。每[章]一行业皆有其窍[来]门。
21、Fait[自]h can move mountai[文]ns。信念能移[字]山。(精诚所至[控],金石为开。)[文]
22、Good[章] fences make good neighbo[来]urs。一篱间[自]隔,友谊常青。[文]
23、One never lose anythin[字]g by politen[控]ess。讲礼貌[文]不吃亏。
24、All lay load on the willing[章] horse。人[来]善被人欺,马善[自]被人骑。
25、Some[文]thing attempt[字]ed,some[控]thing done。没有[文]尝试,就没有成[章]功。
26、Bitt[来]er pills may have wholeso[自]me effects[文]。良药苦口利于[字]病。
27、Grat[控]itude is the sign of noble souls。感[文]恩是精神高尚的[章]标志。
28、Hope[来] for the best,pr[自]epare for the worst。好[文]处着想,坏处准[字]备。
29、Susp[控]icion is the poison of friends[文]hip。怀疑是[章]对友谊所下的毒[来]药。
30、The first step is as good as half over。第一[自]步是最关键的一[文]步。
31、Betw[字]een the cup and the lip a morsel may slip。功亏[控]一篑。
32、Betw[文]een two stools one falls to the ground。[章]脚踏两头要落空[来]。
33、Frie[自]ndship cannot always stand on one side。来而[文]不往非礼也。
34、Noth[字]ing is impossi[控]ble to a willing[文] heart。心[章]之所愿,无事不[来]成。
35、A friend to everybo[自]dy is a friend to nobody。[文]广交友,无深交[字]。
36、An apple a day keeps the doctor away。一日[控]一个苹果,身体[文]健康不求医。
37、Be just to all,but[章] trust not all。要公正[来]对待所有的人,[自]但不要轻信所有[文]的人。
38、1Be just to all,but[字] trust not all。要对一[控]切人都公正,但[文]不要对一切人都[章]信任。
39、When[来] a dog is drownin[自]g everyon[文]e offers him drink。落[字]井下石。
40、Bett[控]er without[文] gold than without[章] friends[来]。宁可没有金钱[自],不可没有朋友[文]。
41、Frie[字]nds may meet,bu[控]t mountai[文]ns never greet。朋[章]友可相逢,高山[来]永分离。
42、Foll[自]ow your own course,[文]and let people talk。走自[字]己的路,让别人[控]说去吧。
43、What[文] we learn with pleasur[章]e we never forget。[来]乐意学的东西决[自]不会忘记。
44、A man is only as good as what he loves。一[文]个人要用他所爱[字]的东西有多好来[控]衡量。
45、Adve[文]rsity reveals[章] genius,[来]fortune[自] conceal[文]s it。苦难显才[字]华,好运藏天知[控]。
46、Came[文] but for friends[章]hip,and[来] took away love。你为[自]友情而来,却把[文]爱情带走。
47、He that makes a good war makes a good peace。正[字]义的**创造持[控]久的和平。
48、A great man is always willing[文] to be little。[章]伟大的人物总是[来]愿意当小人物的[自]。
49、Bett[文]er good neighbo[字]urs near than relatio[控]ns far away。远亲[文]不如近邻。
50、Behi[章]nd the mountai[来]ns there are people to be found。天[自]外有天,山外有[文]山。
51、Does[字] God punish or reward us with love?爱,[控]是上帝用来惩罚[文]我们的还是奖赏[章]我们的呢?
52、Book[来]s,like friends[自],should[文] be few and well chosen。[字]书籍如朋友,应[控]该少而精。
53、Trea[文]t other people as you hope they will treat you。己所不[章]欲,勿施于人。[来]
54、A friend in court is better than a penny in purse。囊[自]中有钱,不如朝[文]中有友。
55、Poli[字]teness costs nothing[控] and gains everyth[文]ing。礼貌不[章]用花一分钱,却[来]能赢得一切。
56、The greater[自] the man,the[文] more restrai[字]ned his anger。人[控]越伟大,越能克[文]制怒火。
57、Clea[章]n your finger,[来]before you point at my spots。先[自]洗浄你的手指,[文]再指出我的污迹[字]。
58、A life without[控] a friend is a life without[文] a sun。人生在[章]世无朋友,犹如[来]生活无太阳。
59、If you fail,do[自]n't forget to learn your lesson。[文]如果你失败了,[字]千万别忘了汲取[控]教训。
60、Lear[文]ning makes a good man better and ill man worse。好[章]人越学越好,坏[来]人越学越坏。
61、How do we treat the life,th[自]e life how we treat。我[文]们怎样对待生活[字],生活就怎样对[控]待我们。
62、A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us。一本好书[文],莫逆之交。
63、Cour[章]age and resolut[来]ion are the spirit and soul of virtue。[自]勇气和坚定是美[文]德的精神与灵魂[字]。
64、Livi[控]ng without[文] an aim is like sailing[章] without[来] a compass[自]。生活没有目标[文],犹如航海没有[字]罗盘。
65、Init[控]iative is doing the right thing without[文] being told。主动[章]就是在没有人告[来]诉时做正确的事[自]情。
66、Ther[文]e is no such thing as darknes[字]s;only a failure[控] to see。没有黑[文]暗这种东西,只[章]有看不见而已。[来]
67、You have to believe[自] in yoursel[文]f。That's the secret of success[字]。人必须有自信[控],这是成功的秘[文]密。
68、Firs[章]t love is only a little foolish[来]ness and a lot of curiosi[自]ty。初恋只是[文]一分傻冒再加九[字]分好奇。
69、Purs[控]ue your object,[文]be it what it will,st[章]eadily and indefat[来]igably。[自]不管追求什么目[文]标,都应坚持不[字]懈。
70、The way to love anythin[控]g is to realize[文] that it might be lost。珍爱[章]一切的好办法是[来]:意识到你可能[自]会失去它。
71、Love[文] is one thing you can't give away - it comes baack to you。爱出者[字]爱返,福往者福[控]来。
72、One is ones own refuge,[文]who else could be the refuges[章]?信赖你自己,[来]除了自己之外,[自]还有谁能做你的[文]依靠。
73、You have to believe[字] in yoursel[控]f。Thats[文] the secret of success[章]。人必须相信自[来]己,这是成功的[自]秘诀。
74、Bewa[文]re,bewa[字]re!he'l[控]l cheat'i[文]thout scruple[章],who can without[来] fear。当心[自],当心!行骗而[文]无所畏惧者,也[字]将无所顾虑。
75、If you do what you should not,you[控] must hear what you would not。若做了[文]不应做之事,则[章]必然会听见不愿[来]听之语。
76、Ther[自]e is no such thing as a great talent without[文] great will - power。没[字]有伟大的意志力[控],便没有雄才大[文]略。
77、A brother[章] may not be a friend,[来]but a friend will always be a brother[自]。兄弟不一定是[文]朋友,而朋友总[字]象兄弟一样。
78、Some[控]times the perfect[文] person for you is the one you least expect。[章]有时候,最适合[来]你的人恰恰是你[自]最没有想到的人[文]。
79、I like the dreams of the future better than the history[字] of the past。我不[控]缅怀过去的历史[文],而致力于未来[章]的梦想。
80、What[来] is the advanta[自]ge of you to others,[文]you must how to praise him。你要别[字]人具有怎样的优[控]点,你就要怎样[文]地去赞美他。
81、Life[章] is fine and enjoyab[来]le,yet you must learn to enjoy your fine life。人生[自]是美好的,但要[文]学会如何享用美[字]好的生活。
82、Shal[控]low men believe[文] in luck。Se[章]lf-trus[来]t is the first secret of success[自]。肤浅的人相信[文]运气,而成功的[字]第一秘诀是自信[控]。
83、When[文] two eyes meet and hold strongl[章]y,they are bound to meet again。当[来]两眼相遇久久凝[自]视,这两双眼睛[文]注定将会再一次[字]相遇。
84、A man falls in love through[控] his eyes,a woman through[文] her ears。男人[章]是透过他的眼睛[来]捕捉爱意的,女[自]人是通过她的耳[文]朵体验爱意的。[字]
85、With[控]out learnin[文]g,men grow as cows do increas[章]ing only in flesh not wisdom。[来]不学习的人,宛[自]如老牛,肉虽多[文],却没有智慧。[字]
86、Our destiny[控] offers not the cup of despair[文] ,but the chalice[章] of opportu[来]nity 。命运给予我们[自]的不是失望之酒[文],而是机会之杯[字]。
87、A quite conscie[控]nce sleeps in thunder[文],but rest and guilt live far adunder[章]。平静的良心能[来]在雷声中入睡,[自]而安宁和负罪则[文]无法毗邻。
88、If thou wouldes[字]t live long,li[控]ve well;fo[文]r folly and wickedn[章]ess shorten[来] life。若欲[自]求长寿,生活须[文]行善,因为蠢行[字]和邪恶会把生命[控]缩短。
89、Atti[文]tude will decide our future opportu[章]nities,[来]this is the line as univers[自]al and law。态度会[文]决定我们将来的[字]机遇,这是行之[控]四海而皆准的定[文]律。
90、Only[章] they who fulfill[来] their duties in everyda[自]y matters[文] will fulfill[字] them ongreat[控] occasio[文]ns。只有在日[章]常生活中尽责的[来]人才会在重大时[自]刻尽责。
91、He that can bear a reproof[文],and mend by it,if he is not wise,is[字] in a fair way of being so。能承受责[控]备并据此改过者[文],若不算是智者[章],也距之不远。[来]
92、Stre[自]ngth alone knows conflic[文]t,weakn[字]ess is below even defeat,[控]and is born vanquis[文]hed。只有强[章]者才懂得斗争;[来]弱者甚至失败都[自]不够资格,而是[文]生来就是被征服[字]的。
93、Ther[控]e is many things,[文]often we dont value side have,an[章]d when it lost only regret。[来]世间很多事情,[自]常常是我们没有[文]珍视身边所拥有[字]的,而当失去它[控]时才又悔恨。
94、Be toleran[文]t among the intoler[章]ant,gen[来]tle among the violent[自],and free from greed among the greedy。[文]在急躁的人中[字]要容忍,在凶暴[控]的人中要温和[文],在贪婪的人[章]中要慷慨。
95、My love is like an ocean;i[来]t goes down so deep。My[自] love is like a rose;wh[文]ose beauty you want to keep。我的[字]爱就像浩瀚的海[控]洋,它深沉厚重[文];我的爱就像芬[章]芳的玫瑰,你疼[来]爱珍重。
96、Deat[自]h comes to all,but[文] great achieve[字]ments raise a monumen[控]t which shall endure until the sun grows old。死亡无[文]人能免,但非凡[章]的成就会树起一[来]座纪念碑,它将[自]一直立到太阳冷[文]却之时。
97、Love[字] doesn't just sit there,l[控]ike a stone;i[文]t has to be made,li[章]ke bread,r[来]emade all the time,ma[自]de new。爱不仅[文]仅坐在那里,像[字]块石头,而是像[控]面包一样被做出[文]来的,自始至终[章]创造,不断更新[来]。
98、I love being married[自]。It's so great to find one special[文] person you want to annoy for the rest of your life。我喜[字]欢成家,拥有一[控]个在自己的余生[文]中特别想去得罪[章]的人,这不是一[来]件很美好的事情[自]吗?
99、Make[文] haste in doing good,re[字]strain your mind from evil。Wh[控]osoever[文] is slow in doing well,hi[章]s mind delight[来]s in evil?及时[自]行善,以免你的[文]心里再起坏念头[字]。凡是不能及时[控]行善的人,内心[文]常会生起恶念。[章]
100、The[来] people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circums[自]tances they want,an[文]d if they cannot find them,ma[字]ke them。在这[控]个世界上取得成[文]就的人,都努力[章]去寻找他们想要[来]的机会,如果找[自]不到机会,他们[文]便自己创造机会[字]。
101、One[控] should spend reasona[文]bly,in proport[章]ion to his income,[来]neither[自] too much nor too little。[文]He should not hoard wealth avarici[字]ously,n[控]or should he be extrava[文]gant。一个[章]人用钱应该合理[来],并且跟他的收[自]入成比例,不可[文]浪费,也不可吝[字]啬;不可处心积[控]虑贪图财富,也[文]不可挥霍奢侈。[章]
102、A man of the world must always remain childlike curiosity,and make all efforts to explore the unknown fields,he would always feel the fullness of life and joy。一个人对世界要永远保持孩童般的好奇心,并尽一切努力去探知未知的领域,那他就会永远感到人生的充实与欣喜。