We are lovers.[来] We can't stop loving.[自]
If you like, we can go togethe[文]r, and I don't want anythin[章]g.
She laughs so well that, like gold, dead people can be awakene[章]d. Whoever[来] underst[自]ands a child's laughte[文]r can wake up with laughte[字]r.
I love you most in the world. More than anythin[控]g else. It's better than anythin[文]g I've ever seen. It's better than what I've read. It's better than all I have. More than anythin[章]g else.
I know you, I will always remembe[文]r you. When you were young, everyon[字]e said you were beautif[控]ul. Now I'm here to tell you that I love you more than your face at that time.
The war is far from over, and my youth is endless[字]. I can neither[控] get away from war nor get away from my youth.
He was lonely,[文] beautif[字]ul, lonely and exhaust[控]ed, lonely and beautif[文]ul as anyone who died.
He told her that, as in the past, he still loved her. He could not help loving her. He said that he would love her until he died.
Is this the idea that a fifteen[文] year old child should have? What kind of life can make her so unreaso[章]nable that she curses her brother[来]s and mothers[自] and wants to kill them?
She thought[文] he was strange[章] as if he were still coming to this world.
I just breathe[文] on the lungs of the living animals[字]. Gradual[控]ly, the thought[文]ful man was wet by the sea water, soaked by the darknes[章]s, more and more wet, more and more calm, more and more joyful darknes[来]s beating[自]. I became the sea.
He said that it was the sound of the sea, the sound of the wind collidi[文]ng with each other, the echo of human beings that had never been heard before,[字] the echo of laughte[控]r, calling[文] and calling[章].
Even though crying is useless[自], I think we should cry. Because[文] despair[字] can be touched[控]. It will stay. Memorie[文]s of despair[章] will be left behind.[来] Sometim[自]es it kills.
She got into the black car. The door closes.[来] In a trance,[自] a sense of sadness[文], a sense of tiredne[字]ss and weaknes[控]s suddenl[文]y appeare[章]d, and the light on the river was darkene[来]d, and the light was slightl[自]y dimmed.[文] There was also a slight feeling[字] of not hearing[控] the sound, and a mist was permeat[文]ed.
At that time, you are a young woman, and I love your face now more devasta[控]ted than your face.
The face is smiling[自], but the eyes contain[文] sadness[字] of despair[控] and tears of summer nights.[文]
I love your face when you are young, and I love the way you are now weather[文]ed.
I met you, I remembe[自]r you, this city is natural[文]ly suitabl[字]e for love, you are born for my soul.
When things are done and need not be done again, people look at their hands and feel sad inside.[自]
The desire for happine[章]ss in life, though so intense[来], can not complet[自]ely distrac[文]t her from despair[字].
Where hate is, is the thresho[控]ld of silence[文]. Only silence[章] can be passed from it to me. This is a long and hard labor for my whole life.
When I was very young, it was too late.
Society[字] is always helples[控]s. Althoug[文]h we fight and oppose,[章] we may not win at all. Sometim[来]es, rights and status really make people laugh and cry.
He crossed[来] his hands on his knees and played with each other in an absent mind. The dry lips left a sad trace on the face.
The most real thing between[来] husband[自] and wife is betraya[文]l; no couple,[字] even the most perfect[控] couple,[文] can inspire[章] each other in love.
I hope that the summer in my heart will be as perfect[文] as the summer outside[章], so that I can forget the whole year's waiting[来]. But there is no summer in heart. I watched[自] the summer walk, but I stayed in the winter.[文] We must get out of this anxious[字] and intoler[控]able season and grow old in the sunligh[文]t of desire.[章]
I like you! Splendi[文]d. I like you! Suddenl[章]y it was so slow. So gentle.[来] You won't underst[自]and.
Let's stop here. And stay here forever[文].
Compare[字]d with your youth, I love your face now.
He called her. It's me. When she heard the voice, she recogni[控]zed him. He said, I just want to hear your voice. She said, Hello, I am.
You can never stand a man unless you love him very much.
He always smiles hastily[字], and his smile is gone.
No one saw her cry, except one person knew, but he did not go to see her.
We cried and said nothing[文]. We regrett[字]ed that we didn't love each other. We didn't know anythin[控]g. And he is no differe[文]nt from anyone else, like the last custome[章]r in the night.
When you are experie[章]ncing the younges[来]t and most admired[自] time of your life, the sudden advance[文] of this time can sometim[字]es surpris[控]e you.
Love to me is not a skin relativ[章]e, not a vegetab[来]le or a meal. It is an immorta[自]l desire and a heroic dream in a tired life. And my dream is to die with your white head.
Love is the power to die. It is the heroic dream of exhaust[文]ed life.
At my age, an old man like me wakes up from his nap, which is the kind of sleep you call heavy and thick like turpent[文]ine. Accordi[章]ng to many of my memorie[来]s, I know what's the use of living for so long. It's a joke. It's a very ordinar[自]y and tastele[文]ss joke.
At first, you were beautif[章]ul, but now I love your weather[来]ed face even more.
You can't look back if you can't see it. Seeing is a curious action, expressing interest in what, what to pay attention to, as long as you look, that means you bow your head. People who are seen are not worth watching at all. It is always insulting people.