1、Let thy vices die before thee。让恶[文]习先你死去。
2、Learn[章]ing is the eye of the mind。 知识是心灵的慧[来]眼。
3、Time is a bird for ever on the wing。时间[自]是一只永远在飞[文]翔的鸟。
4、Two heads are better than one。 三个臭皮匠,顶[字]个诸葛亮。
5、Books[控] are the food for the hungry of great mind。书籍[文]是伟大的饥饿的[章]粮食。
6、Knowl[来]edge is one thing, virtue is another[自]。知识是一回事[文],美德是另一回[字]事。
7、He that knows little soon repeats[控] it。知识浅薄[文]者,很快就回重[章]复他所知的话题[来]。
8、What is serving[自] God?'Ti[文]s doing good to man。什么才[字]算是为上帝奉献[控]?即对人行善。[文]
9、Books[章] are to mankind[来] what memory is to the inpidua[自]nl。 书之于人类,犹[文]如记忆于之个人[字]。
10、The water that bears the boat is the same that swallow[控]s it up。水能载舟[文],亦能覆舟。
11、You may be too cunning[章] for one,but[来] not for all。蒙骗得[自]了一人,但蒙骗[文]不了所有的人。[字]
12、Adve[控]rsity success[文]fully overcom[章]e is the highest[来] glory。成[自]功地克服困难是[文]最大的光荣。
13、Diff[字]icultie[控]s strengt[文]hen the mind, as labour does the body。劳动[章]强体,磨难强智[来]。
14、TAll[自] mankind[文] are beholde[字]n to him that is kind to the good。行善[控]者,人人铭记之[文]。
15、Clea[章]n your finger,[来]before you point at my spots。先[自]洗浄你的手指,[文]再指出我的污迹[字]。
16、Neve[控]r trust another[文] what you should do yoursel[章]f。自己该做的[来]事,决不要委托[自]给旁人做。
17、Ther[文]e is no man so bad,but[字] he secretl[控]y respect[文]s the good。再坏[章]的人都会暗自敬[来]重好人。
18、Read[自]ing without[文] reflect[字]ing is like eating without[控] digesti[文]ng。阅读不思[章]考犹如吃饭不消[来]化。
19、When[自] you're good to others,[文]you are best to yoursel[字]f。善待他人,[控]即是最善待自己[文]。
20、Read[章]ing ten thousan[来]d books is like traveli[自]ng ten thousan[文]d miles。读[字]万卷书,行万里[控]路。
21、The excelle[文]ncy of hogs is fatness[章],of men virtue。[来]猪的优点在于肥[自]壮,人的优点在[文]于美德。
22、Trus[字]t thyself[控] only,an[文]d another[章] shall not betray thee。只要[来]信任你自己,旁[自]人才不出卖你。[文]
23、Cala[字]mity and prisper[控]ity are the touchst[文]ones of integri[章]ty。不幸与幸[来]运都是正直的试[自]金石。
24、Vict[文]ory wont come to me unless I go to it。胜利是不[字]会向我走来的,[控]我必须自己走向[文]胜利。
25、Thou[章]gh malice may darken truth,i[来]t cannot put it out。恶意可[自]以糟塌真理;但[文]无法消灭真理。[字]
26、The more you read,the more healthy and brave your spirit will be。读书越多,精神就越健壮勇敢。
27、What[控] is learned[文] in the cradle lasts till the grave。婴[章]孩时期学到的东[来]西,老死不会忘[自]记。
28、Eat a peck of salt with a man before you trust him。在你信[文]任一个人之前,[字]先要深入了解他[控]。
29、Life[文] is just a series of trying to make up your mind。生活[章]只是由一系列下[来]决心的努力所构[自]成。
30、Know[文]ledge is a measure[字], but practis[控]e is the key to it。知识是珍[文]宝,而实践是获[章]取它的钥匙。
31、Noth[来]ing is more preciou[自]s than indepen[文]dence and freedom[字]。没有什么比独[控]立自由更可宝贵[文]的了。
32、Isn't it a happy thing if you review what you have learned[章] on time?学而[来]时习之,不亦乐[自]乎?
33、The art of being wise is the art of knowing[文] what to overloo[字]k。智慧就是懂[控]得该忽略什么的[文]技巧。
34、Clas[章]sic A book which people praise and don't read。 经典之作是人人[来]皆称赞却不愿去[自]读的书。
35、If thou injures[文]t conscie[字]nce,it will have its revenge[控] on thee。伤害[文]良心,将受到良[章]心的严惩。
36、Init[来]iative is doing the right thing without[自] being told。主动[文]就是在没有人告[字]诉时做正确的事[控]情。
37、Very[文] often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene。 改变自己往往改[章]变更为需要。
38、Who judges best of a man,his[来] enemies[自] or himself[文]?谁能最恰当地[字]评价一个人,他[控]的敌人还是他自[文]己?
39、Your[章] father's honour is to you but a second-[来]hand honour。[自]对于你来说,父[文]亲的荣誉只是间[字]接的荣誉。
40、If you trust before you try, you may repent before you die。不经考[控]验就依赖,不到[文]瞑目便的悔。
41、Repu[章]tation is often got without[来] merit and lost without[自] fault。无[文]功得名是常事,[字]无过失名也是常[控]事。
42、A house without[文] books is like a room without[章] windows[来]。一幢没有书的[自]房子,犹如一个[文]没有窗户的房间[字]。
43、To sensibl[控]e men, every day is a day of reckoni[文]ng。对聪明人[章]来说,每一天的[来]时间都是要精打[自]细算的。
44、Anyt[文]hing one man can imagine[字], other men can make real。但凡[控]人能想象到的事[文]物,必定有人能[章]将它实现。
45、You have to believe[来] in yoursel[自]f。 Thats the secret of success[文]。人必须相信自[字]己,这是成功的[控]秘诀。
46、A man dies still if he has done nothing[文], as one who has done much。既然[章]无所事事亦难逃[来]一死,何不奋斗[自]终生。
47、You may be more happy than pinces,[文]if you will be more virtuou[字]s。如果你能多[控]做善事,你会比[文]王子还要幸福。[章]
48、It is an equal failing[来] to trust everybo[自]dy, and to trust nobody。[文]信任一切与不信[字]任任何人,同样[控]是弱点。
49、All human wisdom is summed up in two words wait and hope。人类[文]所有的智慧可以[章]归结为两个词-[来]-等待和希望。[自]
50、Grow[文]th in wisdom may be exactly[字]i measure[控]d by decreas[文]e in bittern[章]ess。 智慧的增长可用[来]痛苦的减少来精[自]确衡量。
51、Earl[文]y to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy[字], wealthy[控], and wise。早睡[文]早起使人健康、[章]富裕又聪明。
52、It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do。 不能爱哪行才干[来]哪行,要干哪行[自]爱哪行。
53、If you do what you should not,you[文] must hear what you would not。若做了[字]不应做之事,则[控]必然会听见不愿[文]听之语。
54、Lear[章]ning any languag[来]e takes a lot of effort。[自] but don't give up。 学习任何语言都[文]是需要花费很多[字]努力,但不要放[控]弃。
55、If you don't learn to think when you are young, you may never learn。 如果你年轻时没[文]有学会思考,那[章]就永远学不会思[来]考。
56、Bewa[自]re,bewa[文]re!he'l[字]l cheat'i[控]thout scruple[文],who can without[章] fear。当心[来],当心!行骗而[自]无所畏惧者,也[文]将无所顾虑。
57、I like the dreams of the future better than the history[字] of the past。我不[控]缅怀过去的历史[文],而致力于未来[章]的梦想。
58、Too great an eagerne[来]to dischar[自]ge on obligat[文]ion is a species[字] of ingrati[控]tude。急于[文]逃避履行义务是[章]一种忘恩负义的[来]行为。
59、The way to learn a languag[自]e is to practic[文]e speakin[字]g it as often as possibl[控]e。 学习一门语言的[文]方法就是要尽量[章]多地练习说。
60、Book[来]s are treasur[自]e banks storing[文] wisdom passed down from generat[字]ion to generat[控]ion。书籍是[文]贮存人类代代相[章]传的智慧的宝库[来]。
61、Don'[自]t throw stones at your neightb[文]ours,if[字] your own windows[控] are glass。假[文]如你家的窗户是[章]玻璃做的,别用[来]石头打你的邻居[自]。
62、Read[文]ing make a full man, confere[字]nce a ready man, and writing[控] an exact man。阅读使[文]人充实,交谈使[章]人机智,写作使[来]人精确。
63、How many a man has dated a new era in his life from the reading[自] of a book!有多[文]少人由一本书的[字]阅读而开始其人[控]生的新时代呀![文]
64、Each[章] year one vicious[来] habit rooted out,in time minght make the worst man good through[自]out。每年根[文]除一恶习,恶根[字]亦会成完人。
65、We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it。我们要尽[控]可能为生活增加[文]一些东西,而不[章]是从中索取什么[来]。
66、Whoe[自]ver is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him。 不管是谁,匆匆[文]忙忙只能说明他[字]不能从事他所从[控]事的工作。
67、A quite conscie[文]nce sleeps in thunder[章],but rest and guilt live far adunder[来]。平静的良心能[自]在雷声中入睡,[文]而安宁和负罪则[字]无法毗邻。
68、The three foundat[控]ions of learnin[文]g; seeing much, sufferi[章]ng much, and studyin[来]g much。 求学的三个基本[自]条件是:多观察[文],多吃苦,多研[字]究。
69、The man who does not read good books has no advanta[控]ge over the man who can't read them。不读[文]好书的人有没有[章]过的人无法阅读[来]的优势。
70、If a man empties[自] his purse into his head, no one can take it from him。如果一[文]个人倾其所有以[字]求学问,那么这[控]些学问是没有人[文]能拿走的。
71、If thou wouldes[章]t live long,li[来]ve well;fo[自]r folly and wickedn[文]ess shorten[字] life。若欲[控]求长寿,生活须[文]行善,因为蠢行[章]和邪恶会把生命[来]缩短。
72、A true great man will neither[自] trample[文] on a worm,no[字]r sneak to an emperpo[控]r。真正的伟人[文]既不大肆践踏小[章]人物,也不会在[来]皇帝面前奴顔卑[自]膝。
73、What[文] one describ[字]es in the books is one's thought[控] in his mind。 The persona[文]lity of a book is that of the author。[章]书迹即心迹,书[来]品即人品。
74、The sun never repents[自] of the good he does,no[文]r does he ever demand a recompe[字]nce。太阳绝[控]不为它所做的善[文]事后悔,也从不[章]指望任何报酬。[来]
75、All books are pisible[自] into two classes[文]: the books of the hour, and the books of all time。一切[字]书籍都可以分为[控]二类:即:一时[文]之书与永久之书[章]。
76、Afte[来]r you have read more than ten thousan[自]d volumes[文], you will find it easy to write as if God were there helping[字] you。读书破[控]万卷,下笔如有[文]神。
77、How few there are who have courage[章] enough to own their faults。[来]or resolut[自]ion enough to mend them!承认[文]并改正错误,需[字]要有足够的勇气[控]和决心。
78、It never will rain roses。 When we want to have more roses we must plant trees。天[文]上永远不会掉下[章]玫瑰来,如果想[来]要更多的玫瑰,[自]必须自己种植。[文]
79、It takes a lot of thought[字] and effort and downrig[控]ht determi[文]nation to be agreeab[章]le。 要做到与人融洽[来]相处,需要仔细[自]地思考,认真地[文]努力和痛下决心[字]。
80、Thos[控]e who expect to reap the blessin[文]gs of freedom[章] must undergo[来] the fatigue[自] of support[文]ing it。想要收获[字]自由之果的人,[控]必须承受维护自[文]由的劳苦。
81、He that can bear a reproof[章],and mend by it,if he is not wise,is[来] in a fair way of being so。能承受责[自]备并据此改过者[文],若不算是智者[字],也距之不远。[控]
82、It is not enough to be industr[文]ious, so are the ants。 What are you industr[章]ious for?光勤劳[来]是不够的,蚂蚁[自]也是勤劳的。要[文]看你为什么而勤[字]劳。
83、The brave and the wise can both pity and excuse,[控]when cowards[文] and fools shew no mercy。勇[章]者和智者均有同[来]情谅解之心,而[自]懦夫和愚者则毫[文]无怜悯之。
84、Rela[字]x! be patient[控] and enjoy yoursel[文]f。 learnin[章]g foreign[来] languag[自]es should be fun。 放松点!要有耐[文],并让自己快乐[字]!学习外语应该[控]是乐趣无穷的。[文]
85、I would rather be poor in a cottage[章] full of books than a king without[来] the desire to read。我宁[自]愿在一个充满山[文]寨的比一个没有[字]阅读欲望之王的[控]书籍很差。
86、Read[文]ing, to most people,[章] means an as hamed way of killing[来] time disguis[自]ed under a dignifi[文]ed name。读书[字]对大多数人而言[控]是高尚的名称掩[文]盖下消磨时间的[章]可耻方式。
87、Frie[来]nds are not books, yet books are friends[自]。 Friends[文] may betray you, while books are always loyal。朋[字]友不是书,书却[控]是朋友。朋友可[文]能背判你,书却[章]永远忠实。
88、A book is a mirror ,if an ass peers into it,you can't expect an apostle[来] to look out。书是一[自]面镜子,如果一[文]只驴子向里面窥[字]视,你不可能指[控]望正往外看的是[文]圣徒。
89、When[章] work is a pleasur[来]e, life is joy! When work is duty, life is slavery[自]。 工作是一种乐趣[文]时,生活是一种[字]享受!工作是一[控]种义务时,生活[文]则是一种苦役。[章]
90、Copi[来]ng with problem[自]s in our real life is the end, and reading[文] is only one of the means to reach the end。处理现[字]实生活是目的,[控]读书只是达到这[文]个目的手段之一[章]。
91、Life itself, without the assistance of colleges and universities, is becoming an advanced institution of learning。没有学院和大学的帮助,人生本身也正在变成一所高等学府。