1、Just do it。向前冲。[文]
2、Like for like。一报[章]还一报。
3、Life is but a span。人生[来]苦短。
4、Like a rat in a hole。瓮中[自]之鳖。
5、Belie[文]ve in yoursel[字]f。相信你自己[控]!
6、Kings[文] have long arms。普天[章]之下,莫非王土[来]。
7、Knowl[自]edge is power。知[文]识就是力量。
8、He is rich that has few wants。寡[字]欲者富。
9、Life is not all roses。人[控]生并不是康庄大[文]道。
10、Bad times make a good man。艰难困[章]苦出能人。
11、Sow nothing[来], reap nothing[自]。春不播,秋不[文]收。
12、Keep[字] on going never give up。勇往直前[控],决不放弃!
13、Lear[文]n to walk before you run。先学走[章],再学跑。
14、Let bygones[来] be bygones[自]。过去的就让它[文]过去吧。
15、Vari[字]ety is the spice of life。变化[控]是生活的调味品[文]。
16、zero[章] in your target,[来]and go for it。从零开始[自],勇往直前!
17、Adve[文]rsity is the midwife[字] of genius。[控]逆境造就天才。[文]
18、Vict[章]ory belongs[来] to the most perseve[自]ring。坚持[文]必将成功。
19、Judg[字]e not from appeara[控]nces。人不[文]可貌相,海不可[章]斗量。
20、All things come to those who wait。苍天[来]不负有心人。
21、Vict[自]ory belongs[文] to the most perseve[字]ring。坚持[控]必将成功。
22、Lear[文]n to walk before you run。先学走[章],再学跑。
23、Fail[来]ure is the mother of success[自]。失败乃成功之[文]母。
24、The first step is as good as half over。第一[字]步是最关键的一[控]步。
25、Doub[文]t is the key to knowled[章]ge。怀疑是知[来]识的钥匙。
26、The world is his who enjoys it。活着感到[自]快乐,世界就属[文]于你。
27、King[字]s go mad, and the people suffer for it。君王发狂[控],百姓遭殃。
28、Whil[文]e there is life there is hope。一息[章]若存,希望不灭[来]。
29、Keep[自] on going never give up。勇往直前[文], 决不放弃!
30、Ther[字]e is no royal road to learnin[控]g。求知无坦途[文]。
31、cons[章]ider things from every angle。思[来]考问题要全面。[自]
32、Shar[文]p tools make good work。工欲[字]善其事,必先利[控]其器。
33、Circ[文]umstanc[章]es? I make circums[来]tances![自]英雄造时势。
34、Know[文]ledge makes humble,[字] ignoran[控]ce makes proud。博[文]学使人谦逊,无[章]知使人骄傲。
35、Ener[来]gy and persist[自]ence conquer[文] all things。[字]能量加毅力可以[控]征服一切。
36、Suff[文]ering is the most powerfu[章]l teacher[来] of life。苦难[自]是人生最伟大的[文]老师。
37、Neve[字]r underes[控]timate your power to change yoursel[文]f!永远不要低[章]估你改变自我的[来]能力!
38、you're uinique[自], nothing[文] can replace[字] you。你举世[控]无双,无人可以[文]替代。
39、The word 'impossi[章]ble' is not in my diction[来]ary。在我的[自]字典里找不到「[文]不可能」这个字[字]。
40、Geni[控]us is an infinit[文]e capacit[章]y for taking pains。所[来]谓的天才是不断[自]地承受痛楚。
41、What[文] makes life dreary is the want of motive。[字]没有了目的,生[控]活便郁闷无光。[文]
42、Weal[章]th is the test of a man's charact[来]er。财富是对[自]一个人品格的试[文]金石。
43、The best hearts are always the bravest[字]。心灵最高尚的[控]人,也总是最勇[文]敢的人。
44、Geni[章]us is an infinit[来]e capacit[自]y for taking pains所谓[文]的天才是不断地[字]承受痛楚。
45、Life[控] is half spent before we know what it is。人过半生[文],方知天命。
46、open[章] your eyes and see things as they really are。睁大眼[来]睛,看清事实真[自]相。
47、Winn[文]ers do what losers don't want to do。胜利者做[字]失败者不愿意做[控]的事!
48、A thousan[文]d-li journey[章] is started[来] by taking the first step。千里[自]之行,始于足下[文]。
49、Othe[字]r men live to eat, while I eat to live。别人[控]为食而生存,我[文]为生存而食。
50、The world is his who enjoys it。活着感到[章]快乐,世界就属[来]于你。
51、The good seaman is known in bad weather[自]。惊涛骇浪,方[文]显英雄本色。
52、When[字] all else is lost the future still remains[控]。就是失去了一[文]切别的,也还有[章]未来。
53、For man is man and master of his fate。人就[来]是人,是自己命[自]运的主人。
54、Vict[文]ory won't come to me unless I go to it。胜利是不[字]会向我们走来的[控],我必须自己走[文]向胜利。
55、Live[章] beautif[来]ully, dream passion[自]ately, love complet[文]ely。活要活[字]得美好,梦要梦[控]得热烈,爱要爱[文]得完整。
56、Reli[章]gion is what keeps the poor from murderi[来]ng the rich。信仰[自]使穷人不至于去[文]谋害富人。
57、If you doubt yoursel[字]f , then indeed you stand on shaky11[控] ground 。如果你怀疑自[文]己,那么你的立[章]足点确实不稳固[来]了。
58、read[自], study and learn about everyth[文]ing imporan[字]t in your life。点点[控]滴滴皆重要,处[文]处学习是诀窍。[章]
59、One's real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself[来]。一个人的真正[自]价值首先决定于[文]他在什么程度上[字]和在什么意义上[控]从自我解放出来[文]。
60、The greates[章]t test of courage[来] on earth is to bear defeat without[自] losing heart。世[文]界上对勇气的最[字]大考验是忍受失[控]败而不丧失信心[文]。
61、Vict[章]ory won''t come to me unless I go to it。胜利是不[来]会向我们走来的[自],我必须自己走[文]向胜利。
62、Logi[字]c will get you from A to B。 Imagina[控]tion will take you everywh[文]ere。逻辑会[章]带你从A点到达[来]B点,想象力将[自]把你带到任何地[文]方。
63、You have to believe[字] in yoursel[控]f。 That's the secret of success[文]。人必须有自信[章],这是成功的秘[来]密。
64、fami[自]ly and friends[文] are hidden treasur[字]es。 seek them and enjoy the riches。[控]家人和朋友是看[文]不见宝藏,努力[章]发掘,共享财富[来]。
65、The shortes[自]t way to do many things is to only one thing at a time。做许[文]多事情的捷径就[字]是一次只做一件[控]事。
66、Take[文] time to deliber[章]ate, but when the time for action has arrived[来], stop thinkin[自]g and go。事前考虑[文]清楚,可是一旦[字]到了该行动的时[控]候,就要毫不犹[文]豫,放手一搏。[章]
67、If I had not been born Napoleo[来]n, I would have liked to have been born Alexand[自]er。如果今天[文]我不是拿破仑的[字]话,我想成为亚[控]历山大。
68、Fear[文] not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginni[章]ng。不要害怕[来]你的生活将要结[自]束,应该担心你[文]的生活永远不会[字]真正开始。
69、The reason why a great man is great is that he resolve[控]s to be a great man。伟人之[文]所以伟大,是因[章]为他立志要成为[来]伟大的人。
70、The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeed[自]s 。具有新想法的[文]人在其想法实现[字]之前是个怪人。[控]
71、A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure[文] until he begins to blame somebod[章]y else。一个[来]人可以失败很多[自]次,但是只要他[文]没有开始责怪旁[字]人,他还不是一[控]个失败者。
72、We must accept finite disappo[文]intment[章], but we must never lose infinit[来]e hope。我们[自]必须接受失望,[文]因为它是有限的[字],但千万不可失[控]去希望,因为它[文]是无穷的。
73、Ther[章]e's only one corner of the univers[来]e you can be sure of improvi[自]ng, and that's your own self。这个[文]宇宙中只有一个[字]角落你肯定可以[控]改进,那就是你[文]自己。
74、Towe[章]ring genius disdain[来]s a beaten path。 It seeks regions[自] hithert[文]o unexplo[字]red。卓越的[控]天才不屑走旁人[文]走过的路。他寻[章]找迄今未开拓的[来]地区。
75、The importa[自]nt thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determi[文]nation to attain it。人生重要[字]的事情就是确定[控]一个伟大的目标[文],并决心实现它[章]。
76、Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。不要着急[来],最好的总会在[自]最不经意的时候[文]出现。
77、Don't aim for success[字] if you want it; just do what you love and believe[控] in, and it will come natural[文]ly。如果你想[章]要成功,不要去[来]追求成功;尽管[自]做你自己热爱的[文]事情并且相信它[字],成功自然到来[控]。
78、Don't part with your illusio[文]ns 。 When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live。不要[章]放弃你的幻想。[来]当幻想没有了以[自]后,你还可以生[文]存,但是你虽生[字]犹死。
79、One needs 3 things to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for。在这个[控]世界我们只需拥[文]有三件事便可真[章]正快乐:有自己[来]喜欢的事业;有[自]所爱之人;充满[文]希望。
80、The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them。在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要的机会,如果找不到机会, 他们便自己创造机会。