1、Extre[文]mes meet。 否极泰来。
2、Every[章] minute counts。[来]分秒必争。
3、Easy come, easy go。 易得易失。
4、Exper[自]ience teaches[文]。 经验给人教训。[字]
5、Extre[控]mes are dangero[文]us。 物极必反。
6、Early[章] wed, early dead。 早婚早夭。
7、Evil gotten,[来] evil spent。 悖入悖出。
8、Every[自] day is not Sunday。[文]好景不常在。
9、Easy come, easy go。来得容易[字]去得快。
10、Even[控] the walls have ears。 隔墙有耳。
11、Ever[文]y man has his faults。[章] 人孰无过。
12、Ever[来]ything has its seed。 无风不起浪。
13、Ever[自]y why has a wherefo[文]re。 事出有因。
14、Ever[字]y man has his liking。[控] 人各有所好。
15、Envy[文] has no holiday[章]s。 忌妒之人无宁日[来]。
16、Ever[自]y dog is a lion at home。 夜郎自大。
17、Ever[文]y little makes a mickle。[字] 积少成多。
18、Easi[控]er said than done。 说话容易做事难[文]。
19、Ever[章]y pleasur[来]e has a pain。 乐中必有苦。
20、Earl[自]y sow, early mow。 播种早的收获早[文]。
21、Ever[字]y dog has his day。谁都有[控]得意的时候。
22、Ever[文]y bean has its black。 人人有其缺点。[章]
23、Easi[来]er said than done。说得[自]容易,做得难。[文]
24、Enou[字]gh is as good as a feast。 知足常乐。
25、Ever[控]y Jack has his Jill。 有情人终成眷属[文]。
26、Ever[章]y bird likes its own nest。 人爱其家。
27、Ever[来]y bullet has its billet。[自] 无风不起浪。
28、Ever[文]y dog has his day。 凡人都有得意之[字]日。
29、Ever[控]y country[文] has its customs[章]。 乡有乡俗。
30、Ever[来]y man has his weak side。人人[自]都有弱点。
31、Expe[文]rience must be bought。[字]吃一堑,长一智[控]。
32、Ever[文]ything new is fine。 新事物总是美好[章]的。
33、Ever[来]y man has his hobby-h[自]orse。 人各有所好。
34、Eagl[文]es catch no flies。 大人物不计较小[字]事情。
35、Ever[控]y cook praises[文] his own broth。 自吹自擂。
36、Ever[章]y extremi[来]ty is a fault。 万事过分都差误[自]。
37、Expe[文]rience is the best teacher[字]。 经验是良师。
38、Ever[控]y man has his faults。[文]金无足赤,人无[章]完人。
39、Each[来] day brings its own bread。 天无绝人之路。[自]
40、Exch[文]ange is no robbery[字]。 公平交易并非强[控]行夺取。
41、Each[文] bird love to hear himself[章] sing。孤芳[来]自赏。
42、Even[自] Homer sometim[文]es nods。智者[字]千虑,必有一失[控]。
43、Ever[文]ything hath an end。 任何事物都有它[章]的结果。
44、Ever[来]y shoe fits not every foot。 不能以己度人。[自]
45、Exam[文]ple is better than precept[字]。 言教不如身教。[控]
46、Ever[文]y tide hath its ebb。 兴盛之日必有衰[章]退之时。
47、Ever[来]y medal has its reverse[自]。 事物都有它的反[文]面。
48、Even[字] Homer sometim[控]es nods。 人非圣贤,孰能[文]无过。
49、Ever[章]ything must have a beginni[来]ng。 凡是都有起源。[自]
50、Ever[文]y heart has its own sorrow。[字] 人人都有伤心处[控]。
51、Ever[文]y couple is not a pair。 同床异梦,貌合[章]神离。
52、Ever[来]y cock crows on its own dunghil[自]l。 夜郎自大。
53、Ever[文]y little helps a mickle。[字]聚沙成塔,集腋[控]成裘。
54、Ever[文]y heart has its own sorrow。[章]各人有各人的苦[来]恼。
55、Ever[自]y potter praises[文] hit pot。王婆卖[字]瓜,自卖自夸。[控]
56、Ever[文]y man has his hobbyho[章]rse。萝卜青[来]菜,各有所爱。[自]
57、Ever[文]y advanta[字]ge has its disadva[控]ntage。有[文]利必有弊。
58、Ever[章]y day is not Sunday。[来] 好景不常在,好[自]花不常开。
59、Ever[文]y man has his weak side。 人人都有自己的[字]弱点。
60、Ever[控]y mother's child is handsom[文]e。孩子是自己[章]的好。
61、Ever[来]y advanta[自]ge has its disadva[文]ntage。 有利必有弊。
62、Expe[字]rience is the mother of wisdom。[控] 智慧来自经验。[文]
63、Even[章] reckoni[来]ng makes long friends[自]。亲兄弟,明算[文]账。
64、Ever[字]ything is good in its season。[控] 万物逢时皆美好[文]。
65、Earl[章]y start makes easy stages。[来] 早开始是成功的[自]保证。
66、Exam[文]ple is better then percept[字]。说一遍,不如[控]做一遍。
67、Ever[文]y man is best know to himself[章]。 自己最了解自己[来]。
68、Expe[自]rience must be bought。[文] 若要得经验,必[字]须化代价。
69、Empt[控]y vessels[文] make the greates[章]t sound。 空桶响声大。
70、East[来] or west, home is best。 在家千日好,出[自]门时时难。
71、Eye for eye and tooth for tooth。 以牙还牙,以眼[文]还眼。
72、Ever[字]ything comes to him who waits。 安心等待必有好[控]处。
73、Ever[文]ything is nice in your garden。[章] 老王卖瓜,自卖[来]自夸。
74、Eat one's cake and have it。 又要马儿好,又[自]要马儿不吃草。[文]
75、Ever[字]y man has a fool in his sleeve。[控] 聪明一世,糊涂[文]一时。
76、Each[章] bird loves to hear himself[来] sing。 鸟儿都爱听自己[自]唱歌。
77、Eat at pleasur[文]e, drink with measure[字]。 随意吃饭,适度[控]饮酒。
78、Ever[文]y tree is known by its own fruit。 观其言行,知其[章]为人。
79、Ever[来]y man is the son of his own works。 种瓜得瓜,种豆[自]得豆。
80、Equi[文]vocatio[字]n is first cousin to a lie。 支支吾吾,其言[控]必诈。
81、Ever[文]y dog is valiant[章] at his won door。 狗在家门前条条[来]都凶悍。
82、Ever[自]y salesma[文]n boasts of his own wares。 老王卖瓜,自卖[字]自夸。
83、Elbo[控]w grease gives the best polish。[文] 只要功夫深,铁[章]杵磨成针。
84、Eagl[来]es fly alone, but sheep flock togethe[自]r。 鹰单飞,羊群集[文]。
85、Ever[字]y door may be shut, but death's door。人生[控]在世,唯死难逃[文]。
86、Evil[章] communi[来]cations[自] corrupt[文] good manners[字]。 交往恶劣,有损[控]风度。
87、Ever[文]ybody's busines[章]s is nobody's busines[来]s。 人人都管,大家[自]不管。
88、Each[文] man is the archite[字]ct of his own fate。 命运掌握在自己[控]手中。
89、Ever[文]y horse thinks his sack heavies[章]t。 每疋马认为自己[来]驮的袋子重。
90、Ever[自]y brave man is a man of his word。 勇敢的人都是信[文]守诺言的人。
91、Ever[字]y door may be shut but death's door。 除了死门外,每[控]门都可关。
92、Ever[文]y cloud has a silver lining。[章] 山穷水尽疑无路[来],柳暗花明又一[自]村。
93、Ever[文]y man is the archite[字]ct of his own fortune[控]。自己的命运自[文]己掌握。
94、Ever[章]ybody's busines[来]s is nobody's busines[自]s。人人负责,[文]等于没人负责。[字]
95、Ever[控]y man thinks his own geese swans。 每个人都以为自[文]己的东西了不起[章]。
96、Ever[来]y dog has his day, and every man his hour。 人人都有得意的[自]日子。
97、Expe[文]rience is a school from which one can never graduat[字]e。 经验无止境。
98、Evil[控] comes to us by ells and goes away by inches。[文] 罪恶来时,尺进[章]寸退。
99、Empt[来]y vessels[自] make the greates[文]t sound。实[字]磨无声空磨响,[控]满瓶不动半瓶药[文]?
100、Every one's faults are not written in their foreheads。 知人知面不知心。