一、Knowl[文]edge is power 。知识就是力量[章]。
三、Grasp[控] all,los[文]e all。欲尽得[章],必尽失 。
四、Hear all parties[来]。兼听则明,偏[自]听则暗 。
五、Hones[文]ty is the best policy。[字]诚实乃上策。
六、Court[控]esy costs nothing[文]。彬彬有礼,惠[章]而不费 。
七、A little pot is soon hot。壶小易[来]热,量小易怒。[自]
八、Extre[文]mes are dangero[字]us。凡事走向[控]极端是危险的 。
九、Every[文] man hath his weak side。人皆[章]有弱点 。
十、Doing[来] nothing[自] is doing ill。无所事[文]事,必干坏事。[字]
十一、All lay loads on a willing[控] horse。好[文]马重负。
十二、Good[章] advice is harsh to the ear。忠言逆[来]耳 。
十三、Grea[自]t hopes make great men。伟大的[文]理想造就伟大的[字]人物。
十四、He is a wise man who speaks little。[控]智者寡言。
十五、Clea[文]nliness[章] is next to godline[来]ss。整洁近于[自]美德 。
十六、A merry heart goes all the way。心情愉[文]快,万事顺利 。
十七、Bad excuses[字] are worse than none。狡辩[控]比不辩护还糟 。
十八、Idle[文]ness is the root of all evil。懒惰[章]是万恶之源 。
十九、A content[来]ed mind is a perpetu[自]al feast。知[文]足长乐。
二十、Hand[字]some is he who does handsom[控]ely。行为美[文]者才真美。
二十一、A bad workman[章] always blames his tools。拙[来]匠总怪工具差。[自]
二十二、A good beginni[文]ng is half the battle。[字]好的开端等于成[控]功一半。
二十三、Emp[文]ty vessels[章] make the most noise。满[来]瓶子不响,半瓶[自]子晃荡 。
二十四、Fri[文]endship[字] is love without[控] his wings。友[文]谊是没有羽翼的[章]爱。
二十五、Eve[来]ry man is a poet when he is in love。每个[自]中的人都是诗人[文]。
二十六、If we dream,e[字]verythi[控]ng is possibl[文]e。敢于梦想,[章]一切都将成为可[来]能。
二十七、He is rich enough that wants nothing[自]。无欲者最富有[文],贪欲者最贫穷[字]。
二十八、He is truly happy who makes others happy。使[控]他人幸福的人,[文]是真正的幸福。[章]
二十九、A man's best friends[来] are his ten fingers[自]。人最好的朋友[文]是自己的十个手[字]指。
三十、Have[控] but few friends[文],though[章] many acquain[来]tances。[自]结交可广,知己[文]宜少。
三十一、Ima[字]ginatio[控]n is more importa[文]nt than knowled[章]ge 。想象力比知识[来]更为重要。
三十二、Hop[自]e for the best and prepare[文] for the worst。抱[字]最好的希望,作[控]最坏的准备 。
三十三、Too[文] fond of the right to pursue the expedie[章]nt。过分喜欢[来]权力就会不择手[自]段。
三十四、Gen[文]ius only means hard-wo[字]rking all one's life。天才[控]只意味着终身不[文]懈的努力。
三十五、He is not laughed[章] at that laughs at himself[来] first。有[自]自知之明者被人[文]尊敬。
三十六、The[字] Golden Rule is that there are no golden rules。真[控]正的金科玉律就[文]是世上并无金科[章]玉律。
三十七、Cha[来]racter is the first and last word in the success[自] circle。[文]人的品格是事业[字]成功的先决条件[控]。
三十八、Kno[文]wledge is a treasur[章]e,but practic[来]e is the key to it。知识是一[自]宝库,而实践就[文]是开启宝库大门[字]的钥匙。
三十九、You[控] can tell the ideals of a nation by its adverti[文]sements[章]。从一个国家的[来]广告可以看出这[自]个国家的理想。[文]
四十、You have to believe[字] in yoursel[控]f。That's the secret of success[文]。你必须相信自[章]己,这是成功的[来]关键。
四十一、Fir[自]st love is only a little foolish[文]ness and a lot of curiosi[字]ty。就是一点[控]点笨拙外加许许[文]多多好奇。
四十二、The[章] man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeed[来]s。具有新想法[自]的人在其想法实[文]现之前是个怪人[字]。
四十三、Adm[控]onish your friends[文] in private[章],praise[来] them in public。[自]在私底下要忠告[文]你的朋友,在公[字]开场合又表扬你[控]的朋友。
四十四、Ear[文]ly to bed,ear[章]ly to rise,ma[来]ke a man healthy[自],wealth[文]y,and wise。睡得[字]早,起得早,聪[控]明、富裕、身体[文]好 。
四十五、If you doubt yoursel[章]f,then indeed you stand on shaky ground。[来]如果你怀疑自己[自],那么你的立足[文]点确实不稳固了[字]。
四十六、Som[控]etimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing[文]。有时候一个人[章]为不花钱得到的[来]东西付出的代价[自]最高。
四十七、The[文] shortes[字]t way to do many things is to only one thing at a time。做许[控]多事情的捷径就[文]是一次只做一件[章]一件事。
四十八、Don[来]'t try to hard,th[自]e best things come when you least expect them to。不要着急[文],最好的总会在[字]最不经意的时候[控]出现。
四十九、The[文] only limit to our realiza[章]tion of tomorro[来]w will be our doubts of today。实[自]现明天理想的唯[文]一障碍是今天的[字]疑虑。
五十、Our destiny[控] offers not the cup of despair[文],but the chalice[章] of opportu[来]nity。命运[自]给予我们的不是[文]失望之酒,而是[字]机会之杯。
五十一、Gen[控]ius is one percent[文] inspira[章]tion and ninety-[来]nine percent[自] of perspir[文]ation。天[字]才是百分之一的[控]灵感加上百分之[文]九十九的汗水
五十二、Do not,for[章] one repulse[来],give up the purpose[自] that you resolve[文]d to effect。[字]不要只因一次失[控]败,就放弃你原[文]来决心想要达到[章]的目的。
五十三、The[来] reason why a great man is great is that he resolve[自]s to be a great man。伟人之[文]所以伟大,是因[字]为他立志要成为[控]伟大的人。
五十四、Eve[文]rything[章] ought to be beautif[来]ul in a human being: face,dr[自]ess,sou[文]l and idea。人的[字]一切都应当是美[控]丽的:容貌、衣[文]着、心灵和思想[章]。
五十五、The[来] greates[自]t test of courage[文] on earth is to bear defeat without[字] losing heart。世[控]界上对勇气的最[文]大考验是忍受失[章]败而不丧失信心[来]。
五十六、No man or woman is worth your tears,a[自]nd the one who is ,won't make you cry。没有人[文]值得你流泪,值[字]得让你这么做的[控]人不会让你哭泣[文]。
五十七、To the world you may be one person,[章]but to one person you may be the world。对[来]于世界而言,你[自]是一个人;但是[文]对于某人,你是[字]他的整个世界。[控]
五十八、Don[文]'t waste your time on a man/wom[章]an,who isn't willing[来] to waste their time on you。不要为[自]那些不愿在你身[文]上花费时间的人[字]而浪费你的时间[控]。
五十九、The[文] man who has made up his mind to win will never say impossi[章]ble。凡是决[来]心取得胜利的人[自]是从来不说不可[文]能的。
六十、The importa[字]nt thing in life is to have a great aim,and[控] the determi[文]nation to attain it。人生重要[章]的事情是确定一[来]个伟大的目标,[自]并决心实现它。[文]
六十一、We need in politic[字]s man who have somethi[控]ng to give,no[文]t men who have somethi[章]ng to get。在**[来]中我们需要能有[自]所奉献的人,而[文]不是想有所收获[字]的人。
六十二、lov[控]e you not because[文] of who you are,but[章] because[来] of who I am when I am with you。我爱你[自],不是因为你是[文]一个怎样的人,[字]而是因为我喜欢[控]与你在一起时的[文]感觉。
六十三、Onl[章]y they who fulfill[来] their duties in everyda[自]y matters[文] will fulfill[字] them on great occasio[控]ns。只有在日[文]常生活中尽责的[章]人才会在重大时[来]刻尽责。
六十四、The[自] world is like a mirror:[文] Frown at itand it frowns at you; smile,a[字]nd it smiles too。世界犹[控]如一面镜子:朝[文]它皱眉它就朝你[章]皱眉,朝它微笑[来]它也吵你微笑。[自]
六十五、The[文] worst way to miss someone[字] is to be sitting[控] right beside them knowing[文] you can't have them。失去[章]某人,最糟糕的[来]莫过于,他近在[自]身旁,却犹如远[文]在天边。
六十六、The[字]re's only one corner of the univers[控]e you can be sure of improvi[文]ng,and that's your own self。这个[章]宇宙中只有一个[来]角落你肯定可以[自]改进,那就是你[文]自己。
六十七、Nev[字]er frown,e[控]ven when you are sad,bec[文]ause you never know who is falling[章] in love with your smile。纵[来]然伤心,也不要[自]悉眉不展,因为[文]你不知是谁会爱[字]上你的笑容。
六十八、Don[控]'t part with your illusio[文]ns,When[章] they are gone you may still exist,b[来]ut you have ceased to live。不要[自]放弃你的幻想。[文]当幻想没有了以[字]后,你还可以生[控]存,但是你虽生[文]犹死。
六十九、Ide[章]al is the beacon。[来]Without[自] ideal,t[文]here is no secure directi[字]on; without[控] directi[文]on ,there is no life。理想[章]是指路明灯。没[来]有理想,就没有[自]坚定的方向;没[文]有方向,就没有[字]生活。
七十、You cannot improve[控] your past,bu[文]t you can improve[章] your future。[来]Once time is wasted,[自]life is wasted。[文]你不能改变你的[字]过去,但你可以[控]让你的未来变得[文]更美好。一旦时[章]间浪费了,生命[来]就浪费了。
七十一、Dea[自]th comes to all,but[文] great achieve[字]ments raise a monumen[控]t which shall endure until the sun grows old。死亡无[文]人能免,但非凡[章]的成就会树起一[来]座纪念碑,它将[自]一直立到太阳冷[文]却之时。
七十二、The[字] danger of the past was that men became slaves。[控]The danger of the future is that men may become robots。[文]在过去人们面临[章]的危险是变成奴[来]隶,而在将来危[自]险是人类可能变[文]成机器人。
七十三、Jus[字]t because[控] someone[文] doesn't love you the way you want them to,does[章]n't mean they don't love you with all they have。爱你[来]的人如果没有按[自]你所希望的方式[文]爱你,那并不代[字]表他们没有全心[控]全意地爱你。
七十四、Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be grateful。可能神要我们在遇到对的人之前先遇上一些错的人,这样当我们遇到中真正的人的时候就会更懂得和感激。