A life without[文] ideal, life is just a pile of mere skeleto[章]n.
Where is the fell, just lay there for a while.
Painles[文]s, no bitter sweet, live, this is a kind of practic[章]e!
Actuall[字]y there is no way, go person many, also then became road.
Don't go, don't know road far. Don't study hard, don't know the truth.
Cindere[字]lla like princes[控]s and prince frog prince,[文] too, just by chance.[章]
Difficu[字]lties like musical[控] notes, the strong play into a song, it set the weak it mournin[文]g song.
Every piece of jade without[文] carve, every success[字] cannot leave the train.
Most people want to change the world, but few people want to change yoursel[来]f.
Hard-wo[控]rking day, can have to night sleep; Hardwor[文]king life, can be happy.
Ordinar[文]y life to use common heart to treat, your life will be more wonderf[字]ul.
Most sincere[来] care to a friend,[自] and friends[文] to share every sunrise[字].
Once chosen way of life, be brave to go to the end, never look back.
I think road in the former,[控] people why because[文] a small obstacl[章]es and not to walk?
The time is the treatme[控]nt of trauma masters[文], but is not the player to solve the problem[章].
The most importa[控]nt thing is not to go to see the fuzzy distanc[文]e, but to do what clearly[章] at hand.
The key to gain happine[控]ss is to cherish[文] what you have, forget what you don't have.
Tactica[字]lly, just not in a bind; A pet or forget everyth[控]ing, you can be yoursel[文]f.
The so-call[字]ed genius,[控] just with all the others drink coffee time on the job.
Do a simple person,[文] practic[字]al and pragmat[控]ic. Don't indulge[文] fantasy[章]. Don't trouble[来] trouble[自] until trouble[文] trouble[字]s you.
Bitter and the sweet come from the outside[自] world, strengt[文]h comes from within,[字] from one's own efforts[控]!
Modern society[文] is not the big fish eat small fish s, but fast fish eat slow fish s.
Workers[来] are bent over, all to strive upward,[自] for the head of the sun is not lack of emotion[文].
When you think nothing[来] terribl[自]e failure[文], you were more and more closer to the success[字].
Heroes must contain[自] the disaste[文]rs in my career,[字] if there are no disaste[控]rs won't become a hero.
How can one know yoursel[文]f? Is never by thinkin[字]g, but through[控] practic[文]e.
The most sweet melon is grew up in the nutriti[字]on fertili[控]zer, genius is long in maligna[文]nt best from the soil.
Concept[字] of poverty[控] and riches and honour is a nidea, decided[文] to the poor and the rich, the mentali[章]ty decisio[来]n sufferi[自]ng and joy!
If your heart was burning[章], so if necessa[来]ry, I can when a torch.
Want to cherish[文] their, cherish[章] their posts, cherish[来] their collect[自]ive, cherish[文] their life.
Goals of the firm is one of the most necessa[来]ry strengt[自]h of charact[文]er, is also one of the most effecti[字]ve tools for success[控].
Remembe[文]r the three respect[字]s: respect[控] yoursel[文]f, respect[章] others,[来] stand on dignity[自] and pay attenti[文]on to your behavio[字]r.
Human and have to learn to walk, wrestli[自]ng, and only after wrestli[文]ng him to walk.
Faith is the power of an indestr[来]uctible[自], when you believe[文] you can succeed[字], you will surely succeed[控].
The path to happine[文]ss is not only do their favorit[字]e things,[控] is the love you have to do more.
Narciss[文]ism is due to extreme[字] love of life, the pursuit[控] of better for details[文] and hedonis[章]m.
Way may be confuse[文]d, but please don't lose yoursel[章]f in the confusi[来]on, loss of faith.
Try to dead silk, to there as well. Life must be hard, reserve[章]d for the youth good categor[来]y.
Little and studiou[章]s, such as Yang sunrise[来]; The light of strong and studiou[自]s, such as Japan and China; Old and studiou[文]s, such as bean candle of Ming.
No matter what love, only the tangled[自] like snakes,[文] persist[字]ent like YuanGui[控], two 6:00 PM, could not have.
I come on labor, is the mother of all inventi[字]on. Everyth[控]ing come on labor, getting[文] to the truth of things.[章]
No matter how outstan[文]ding talent,[章] knowled[来]ge, if the lack of enthusi[自]asm, has the same paper starts conceal[文]s.
Have a heart of akagi, have a friend;[自] Have a kind heart, have the love.
Ore, you know what you are the mother of treasur[来]e, but if we don't dental laborat[自]ories, is just a pile of waste.
Believe[来] in myself.[自] Don't judge yoursel[文]f, and don't give yoursel[字]f to judge others,[控] more don't belittl[文]e yoursel[章]f.
Let the dead bury the dead. We now that there is life, we shall live, and to live happy.
Most of the errors,[字] because[控] do not insist,[文] don't work hard, do not retain,[章] then hypnoti[来]zes himself[自] say everyth[文]ing is fate.
Man's greates[自]t virtue is kindly,[文] and you can't love everyon[字]e, but you can express[控] goodwil[文]l for everyon[章]e.
Victory[文] is not defeat the enemy, but to improve[章] yoursel[来]f. As long as we progres[自]s every day one percent[文], that is success[字].
Art avenue is fraught[文] with risk, it is also a good thing, ordinar[字]y people,[控] only a strong man.
I never conside[字]r ease and pleasur[控]e is the purpose[文] of life itself:[章] the ethical[来] foundat[自]ion, I call it the ideal of the pigsty.[文]
If you want to achieve[自] their goals, they have to describ[文]e in the heart after a goal; So, your dreams will come true.
People can not beautif[自]ul, but health;[文] People can not great, but to be happy; One can not perfect[字], but to pursue.[控]
Miss is the amorous[字] beach, is time the extensi[控]on of footpri[文]nt; Waiting[章] for a temper of the will, it is to endure the fate of the transit[来].
Steadfa[章]st, is the precond[来]ition of learnin[自]g gains; Diligen[文]ce is fundame[字]ntal to learn somethi[控]ng into; Insist,[文] is the way of startin[章]g.
The human mind and body, multi-p[文]urpose the spirit,[章] and no waste. People must be in patienc[来]e, especia[自]lly have faith.
Inpidua[来]ls must to perfect[自], togethe[文]r with the rest of us constan[字]tly doing everyth[控]ing they can to expand and increas[文]e in this directi[章]on.
My lifelon[文]g goal is to give you TongJia[章]Qian happine[来]ss, happine[自]ss to the family,[文] for our childre[字]n and grandch[控]ildren happine[文]ss.
If we put everyon[控]e's unfortu[文]nate pile of a pile by all alike, most people are willing[章] to accept a, gladly leave.
Remembe[文]r, can cry, can hate, but can't be strong.[章] Because[来] there is a group of people waiting[自] to see your jokes.
To be success[自]ful on eight, think twice, once decided[文] to go the whole hog the adored one, fear of failure[字] don't do anythin[控]g.
The biggest[控] cause of the failure[文] of the one person,[章] it is lack of confide[来]nce in his ability[自], even thought[文] I will fail.
One thousan[文]d people have one thousan[字]d kind of way of life and the life road, want to change somethi[控]ng, first of all have to get myself back.
Exercis[控]e in the arduous[文] struggl[章]e the environ[来]ment out of the literat[自]i, than grown in warm pleasur[文]e in the environ[字]ment of people,[控] to be strong.[文]
From his exercis[文]e strong,[章] can bear hardshi[来]ps and stand hard work, don't the coy, go go the highs in the nature.[自]
Don't let others lower their level; Not because[自] to accommo[文]date those who refuse to raise standar[字]ds, lower your standar[控]ds.
When you are poor, spend money to others,[控] rich of time, spend money to relativ[文]es and lover! Do a lot of people,[章] is upside down.
Your efforts[章] will not necessa[来]rily succeed[自], but you don't work hard will fail. Never give up, there is no failure[文], only to give up.
The height of the fountai[文]n can't more than its source;[字] A person's career also is such, his achieve[控]ments will never more than their own beliefs[文].
Efforts[文] to love a person.[章] Pay does not necessa[来]rily have a harvest[自]; Don't pay, but will not have results[文], do not expect miracle[字]s.
If your company[字] current[控]ly only two, you are on a busines[文]s card to call down a bit, it will win the respect[章]!
For not took advanta[章]ge of the opportu[来]nity, what's the use? A concept[自]ion of egg, is to be washed up into the waste of time.
The outlook[自] on life determi[文]nes a person's life pursuit[字]; World outlook[控] determi[文]nes a person's ideolog[章]y; Values determi[来]nes a person's code of conduct[自].
If we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses tree. There is no despera[自]te situati[文]on, only people with a slough of despond[字].
I would rather let others feel that I am a transfo[控]rmers ing the poison not invade the tireles[文]s, I also don't let anyone see my sad tired fell lost.
As long as think is right to do it, stick to it, don't care about other people's opinion[章]s, even if it is wrong, at least you have done to prove that you have tried.
People are always less lessons[来] from flat, from sufferi[自]ng more lessons[文]; Lessons[字] from flat shallow[控], deep lessons[文] from sufferi[章]ng.
Only the interes[来]ts of the eyes, for only a short pleasur[自]e; Set high goals, but also should face the reality[文]. Combine[字] ideals and reality[控], will succeed[文].
Conquer[章] science[来], need great power. Scienti[自]fic dedicat[文]ion, indomit[字]able perseve[控]rance, these are the researc[文]h of the science[章] and soldier[来]s must have quality[自].
Human hope like a eternal star, dark clouds can't cover up the light of it. Especially in today, peace is not an ideal, a dream, it is the wish of ten thousand people.