1、We all like having you as our teacher[文]。 You have our respect[章] and gratefu[来]lness。 我们喜欢您做我[自]们的老师,我们[文]尊敬您、感激您[字]。
2、Thank[控] you for the gift。We[文] appreci[章]ate your kindnes[来]s and we shall always cherish[自] this lovely gift from you。谢谢你[文]馈赠礼品,我们[字]感激你的盛情,[控]永远珍爱你给我[文]们的漂亮的馈礼[章]。
3、I sincerely (deeply) (warmly) appreciate 我真挚的(深深的)(热情的)感谢
4、We were deeply touched[来] by 使我们深受感动[自]。
5、Remem[文]brance of things past, and so in the descrip[字]tion, young age, is the teacher[控] solemnl[文]y entrust[章]ed to us to correct[来] deviati[自]on from the course,[文] teacher[字] solid hands Tuoqi our bright future。[控]追忆似水年华,[文]描述师生情深,[章]在那青涩的年代[来],是老师郑重的[自]嘱托为我们纠正[文]了偏离的航向,[字]是老师坚实的双[控]手拖起我们灿烂[文]的明天。
6、We are more thankfu[章]l than we can express[来]。 对您的谢意,我[自]们无法用语言来[文]表达。
7、I hope somethi[字]ng will bring you to New York soon so that I can recipro[控]cate your kindnes[文]s。希望不久您[章]能有机会到纽约[来]来,使我能答谢[自]您的盛情。
8、Your letters[文] are so much fun (comfor[字]t) (entert[控]ainment[文]) (compan[章]y)。您的来信[来]充满了乐趣(给[自]了很大安慰)([文]带来了欢乐)([字]使我不感寂寞)[控]。
9、I'm very much indebte[文]d to you。我非常[章]感谢你。
10、You are not only a good teacher[来] but our close friend。[自] Thank you for helping[文] us make somethi[字]ng of our lives。 您不仅是一位好[控]老师,也是我们[文]亲密的朋友,谢[章]谢您帮助我们奋[来]发有为。
11、Some[自] people say, Shien mountai[文]n, because[字] mountai[控]ns Weiwei,[文] revered[章]。 I would also like to say, Shien like the sea, because[来] the sea is vast, beyond measure[自]。有人说,师恩[文]如山,因为高山[字]巍巍,使人崇敬[控]。我还要说,师[文]恩似海,因为大[章]海浩瀚,无法估[来]量。
12、It is at a time like this that one really appreci[自]ates the kindnes[文]s of a friend。[字]只有在这样的时[控]刻,一个人才会[文]真正领略到朋友[章]的深情厚意。
13、Than[来]k you for one of the most enjoyab[自]le visits we have had in many months。[文]在您处的参观访[字]问,是我们几个[控]月中最愉快的一[文]次。谨向您表示[章]感谢。
14、hank[来] you for coming。[自]谢谢你的光临。[文]
15、It was nice(ch[字]aracter[控]istical[文]ly thought[章]ful) (more than kind) of you承蒙好意[来](特别关心)([自]十二分好意)
16、The man who can make hard things easy is the educato[文]r。 能使艰难之事变[字]得容易的人是教[控]育者。
17、I can't remembe[文]r when I had a more pleasan[章]t time。这是[来]我度过的最愉快[自]的时光。
18、It is the most appropr[文]iate time to show you our thanks。[字] 现在是向您表达[控]感激之情最为恰[文]当的时刻。
19、We all pitched[章] to buy this gift。 We are all gratefu[来]l to you。 Without[自] your unselfi[文]sh dedicat[字]ion could we achieve[控] no success[文] today。 这是我们买给您[章]的礼物,谢谢您[来],老师。没有您[自]无私的奉献,就[文]不会有我们今天[字]的成功。
20、Many[控] thanks for your coming here。多谢[文]你的光临。
21、Than[章]k you so very much for your hospita[来]lity。非常[自]感谢你的盛情款[文]待。
22、You have been a qualifi[字]ed teacher[控]s and even better friend。[文] Thank you for all that you have done。 您不仅是一位合[章]格的教师,更是[来]一位好朋友,谢[自]谢您所做的一切[文]。
23、I cannot suffici[字]ently express[控] my thanks for your thought[文]ful kindnes[章]s。对于你给予[来]我的无微不至的[自]关怀,不胜感谢[文]。
24、Than[字]k you again for your hospita[控]lity。再次[文]谢谢你的热情款[章]待。
25、The teacher[来] you are the most unforge[自]ttable person in my life, because[文] of you, let my life fun, you have made my life a turning[字] point, thank you!老师你[控]是我一生最难忘[文]的人,因为有了[章]你,让我的生活[来]出现了乐趣,有[自]了你我的人生出[文]现转折,谢谢你[字]!
26、Rive[控]rs pushes us to the vast sea, the dawn brings us bright morning[文]; my dear teacher[章], you lead us to a magnifi[来]cent life。江河[自]把我们推向浩瀚[文]的大海,曙光给[字]我们带来明媚的[控]早晨;亲爱的老[文]师,您把我们引[章]向壮丽的人生。[来]
27、It is very good of you to give me the book。你真[自]是太好了,给了[文]我那本书。
28、No one deserve[字]s a bigger thank you than you。 One day is hardly enough to show our gratitu[控]de。没有人比[文]您更值得如此深[章]厚的谢意。仅这[来]一天远不足以表[自]达我们对您的感[文]激之情。
29、Teac[字]her, are the cultiva[控]tor, the sower。 Are you with beautif[文]ul sunshin[章]e, with beautif[来]ul moisten[自], our hearts to lush, flowers[文] bloomin[字]g like a piece of brocade[控]。老师,是美的[文]耕耘者,美的播[章]种者。是您用美[来]的阳光普照,用[自]美的雨露滋润,[文]我们的心田才绿[字]草如茵,繁花似[控]锦。
30、Than[文]k you so much for your generou[章]s hospita[来]lity。非常[自]感谢您慷慨的款[文]待。
31、I should like to express[字] my appreci[控]ation。我[文]谨表示我的谢意[章]。
32、Than[来]ks a million[自] (ever so much)。万[文]分(非常)感谢[字]。
33、Than[控]k you for your graciou[文]s hospita[章]lity。感谢[来]你们的亲切款待[自]。
34、I should like to say how gratefu[文]l i am。我谨表示[字]我深切的谢意。[控]
35、Dear[文] teacher[章], thank you for illumin[来]ating my voyage of life with your own light of life。 My gratefu[自]l sentime[文]nts come from the bottom of my heart。 老师,感谢您用[字]自己的生命之光[控],照亮了我人生[文]的旅途,对您我[章]满怀感谢之情。[来]
36、 Thank you for your graciou[自]s hospita[文]lity。感谢[字]你们的亲切款待[控]。
37、It was good (fine)([文]charmin[章]g)(thou[来]ghtful)[自]of you承蒙好意[文](美意)(盛情[字])(关心)
38、You are like a third parent。[控] We all love you and respect[文] you。 您就象我们的家[章]长,我们都敬爱[来]您。
39、you must give me the chance to return your kindnew[自]hen you visit here。希望[文]您光临我处,使[字]我能答谢您的盛[控]情。
40、The whole secret of the teacher[文]s force lies in the convict[章]ion that men are convert[来]ible。 教师力量的全部[自]秘密,就在于深[文]信人是可以改变[字]的。
41、You're one in a million[控]。你真是个大好[文]人。
42、I should like to say how gratefu[章]l i am for his invitat[来]ion。他向我[自]提供了消息,我[文]表示深切的感谢[字]。
43、I cannot tell you how much your letter delight[控]ed(reli[文]eved)(a[章]mused)([来]enchant[自]ed)me。我[文]无法告诉您,您[字]的来信使我多么[控]高兴(宽慰)([文]觉得有趣)(陶[章]醉)。
44、Your[来] most courteo[自]us (consid[文]erate)([字]delight[控]ful)let[文]ter您那彬彬[章]有礼(体贴入微[来])(令人欣慰)[自]的来信
45、I'm really very gratefu[文]l to you for your advice。[字]我真的非常感谢[控]你的劝告。
46、A teacher[文] affects[章] eternit[来]y; he can never tell where his influen[自]ce stops。 一个教师对人的[文]影响是永恒的。[字]
47、I really can't thank you enough for the invitat[控]ion。我对您[文]的邀请真是感激[章]不尽。
48、Ther[来]e is nothing[自] more importa[文]nt (satisf[字]ying) (gratif[控]ying) to me than to receive[文] one of your letters[章]。再也没有比收[来]到您的来信更使[自]我觉得重要(快[文]慰)(感激)了[字]。
49、Than[控]k you for making learnin[文]g not a dull thing but a great joy。 感谢您使我们把[章]枯燥的学习变成[来]了巨大的乐趣。[自]
50、You're the greates[文]t。你最棒了。[字]
51、Your[控] thought[文]fulness[章] has given me great joy。你的体[来]贴关怀给了我巨[自]大的欣慰。
52、Send[文] you our everlas[字]ting feeling[控] of gratefu[文]lness and thankfu[章]lness on this special[来] day。 在这特别的日子[自]谨向您致以我们[文]永恒的感激之情[字]。
53、Than[控]ks very much for you invitat[文]ion。非常感[章]谢你的邀请。
54、Our first Thanksg[来]iving should be our best。我们[自]第一次共度的感[文]恩节是我们最美[字]好的时光。
55、It's most thought[控]ful of you。您想得[文]真周到。
56、I can never thank you enough。[章]我对您永远感激[来]不尽。
57、Dear[自] teacher[文], thank you for illumin[字]ating my voyage of life with your own light of life。 My gratefu[控]l sentime[文]nts come from the bottom of my heart。老[章]师,感谢您用自[来]己的生命之光,[自]照亮了我人生的[文]旅途,对您我满[字]怀感谢之情。
58、This[控] small gift is only a tiny token of our gratefu[文]lness。 We all want to thank you。 这件小小的礼物[章]略表我们的感激[来]之情。我们大家[自]都很感谢您。
59、Beli[文]eve me, I am truly gratefu[字]l for我确实真[控]诚地感谢你
60、I love the way you say (put) things in your letters[文]。 You make even the smalles[章]t inciden[来]t seem so interes[自]ting(im[文]portant[字])(charm[控]ing)(my[文]steriou[章]s)。我很欣赏[来]您在信中描述各[自]种事物的手法,[文]您的妙笔使细小[字]的事情都显得很[控]有趣(重要)([文]动人)(神秘)[章]。
61、Our beloved[来] teacher[自], you are the spring shower that moisten[文]s our hearts。[字] The love and care you have given us will encoura[控]ge us to go through[文] a long and arduous[章] journey[来]。 亲爱的老师,您[自]就象那春天的细[文]雨,滋润着我们[字]的心田。您给予[控]我们的爱和关怀[文]将鼓舞着我们走[章]过艰难困苦。
62、I really don't know how a can thank you enough。[来]我真不知怎样感[自]谢你才好。
63、You couldn't have given me anythin[文]g that I would enjoy more。你送[字]给我的礼物真是[控]让我太高兴了。[文]
64、It is a hopeles[章]s(defin[来]ite)(po[自]sitive)[文]underst[字]atement[控] to say that I am deeply (sincer[文]ely)(tr[章]uly)gra[来]teful。这[自]就是说我深深的[文](真挚的)(真[字]诚的)感谢远不[控]足以(不能确切[文])(不能明确)[章]表达我的谢意。[来]
65、I regret very much that I did not have an opportu[自]nity to thank you persona[文]lly for 未能面谢,深表[字]遗憾。
66、Many[控] thanks for your kind and warm letter。[文]感谢您友好而热[章]情的来信。
67、I'm very much indebte[来]d to you for you kidness[自]。我非常感谢你[文]的好意。
68、I can never thank you enough for you generos[字]ity.我对您[控]的慷慨大度永远[文]感激不尽。
69、Than[章]k you for your delicio[来]us dinner.[自]谢谢你美味可口[文]的晚餐。
70、You are not only a good teacher[字] but our close friend.[控] Thank you for helping[文] us make somethi[章]ng of our lives.您[来]不仅是一位好老[自]师,也是我们亲[文]密的朋友,谢谢[字]您帮助我们奋发[控]有为。
71、At the outset,[文] I want to thank you for your kindnet[章]o me and for your complim[来]ents.首先[自],我要感谢您对[文]我的友爱和问候[字]。
72、Our beloved[控] teacher[文], you are the spring shower that moisten[章]s our hearts.[来] The love and care you have given us will encoura[自]ge us to go through[文] a long and arduous[字] journey[控].亲爱的老师,[文]您就象那春天的[章]细雨,滋润着我[来]们的心田。您给[自]予我们的爱和关[文]怀将鼓舞着我们[字]走过艰难困苦.[控]
73、Its most thought[文]ful of you.您想得[章]真周到。
74、Than[来]k you for contrib[自]uting so much to the pleasur[文]e of our stay in 感谢您为使我们[字]在的停留期间的[控]愉快所作的许多[文]努力。
75、Than[章]ks a million[来].万分感谢!
76、What[自] a wonderf[文]ul time to be togethe[字]r.在一起的时[控]光多么快乐。
77、No one deserve[文]s a bigger thank you than you. One day is hardly enough to show our gratitu[章]de. 没有人比您更值[来]得如此深厚的谢[自]意。仅这一天远[文]不足以表达我们[字]对您的感激之情[控]。
78、Its very kind of you.您太好[文]了。
79、We are indebte[章]d to you我们感谢[来]你
80、My heartfe[自]lt thanks to you, dear teacher[文]. On the voyage of life, you have kindled[字] the light of hope for me. What you have done enriche[控]s my mind and broaden[文]s my view. On this day I honour you sincere[章]ly. 亲爱的老师,向[来]您表达我最衷心[自]的感谢。在人生[文]旅途上,您为我[字]点燃了希望之光[控],您所做的一切[文]润泽了我的心灵[章],开阔了我的视[来]野。今天我向您[自]致以崇高的敬意[文]。
81、Than[字]ks for your support[控] and guidanc[文]e in this job.谢谢您[章]在工作上给予我[来]的支持和指导。[自]
82、Educ[文]ation is not the filling[字] of a pail, but the lightin[控]g of a fire. 教育不是灌满一[文]桶水,而是点燃[章]一团生命的火焰[来]。
83、Than[自]k you very much (ever so much) (most sincere[文]ly) (indeed[字]) (from the bottom of my heart).[控]很(非常)(最[文]真诚地)(确实[章])(衷心)感谢[来]您。
84、I should like to express[自] my gratitu[文]de for your kidness[字].我向您对我的[控]好意表示感谢。[文]
85、We wish to show our gratitu[章]de and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher[来]s Day! 我们送您一件小[自]礼物,以表我们[文]对您的感激之情[字]。教师节愉快![控]
86、I am very sincere[文]ly (most) (truly)[章] gratefu[来]l to you for 为了,我非常真[自]挚的(深深的)[文](真诚的)感谢[字]您。
87、Than[控]k you for one of the most memorab[文]le days of my trip.为了[章]旅途中最值得留[来]念的一天,谨向[自]您表示感谢。
88、I really appreci[文]ate it.我很感谢[字]。
89、I really can't thank you enough.[控]我对您真是感激[文]不尽。
90、I wouldn't want to spend Thanks-[章]giving with anyone else.我只[来]愿和你共度感恩[自]节。
91、Than[文]k you for doing so much to make my trip to New York interes[字]ting (pleasa[控]nt)(res[文]ultful)[章].为了使我去纽[来]约的旅游有趣([自]愉快)(大有收[文]获),您做了许[字]多事,特此致谢[控]。
92、On the journey[文] of life you have kindled[章] the light of hope for me to enrich my mind, add my wisdom to thank you! Teacher[来], I wish you healthy[自] forever[文], happy, happy!人[字]生旅程上您为我[控]点燃希望的光芒[文]丰富我的心灵,[章]增添我的智慧 谢谢您!老师,[来]愿您永远健康、[自]愉快、幸福!
93、The remotes[文]t corners[字] of the globe have to do, only Shien infinit[控]e period.[文] Thank you, teacher[章]!天涯海角有尽[来]处,只有师恩无[自]穷期。感谢您,[文]老师!
94、I do appreci[字]ate your timely help.我的[控]确很感激您的及[文]时帮助。
95、It's generou[章]s of you to take so much interes[来]t in my work( to give me so much of your time) (to show me so much conside[自]ration)[文].承蒙对我的工[字]作如此操心(为[控]我花费这么多时[文]间)(对我如此[章]关怀)。
96、Your[来] sympath[自]y has brought[文] us great comfort[字].你的慰问给我[控]带来了莫大的安[文]慰。
97、I cannot tell you how delight[章]ed I was with the beautif[来]ul birthda[自]y present[文] you gave me.我无法告[字]诉你我收到你馈[控]送的漂亮的生日[文]礼物,我是多么[章]的高兴。
98、Im much obliged[来].我非常感谢。[自]
99、I cant remembe[文]r when I had a more pleasan[字]t time.这是[控]我度过的最愉快[文]的时光。
100、Please accept ( I wish to expre)my sincere (grateful) (profound) appreciation for 请接受(致以)真挚的(衷心的)(深切的)感谢