To overcom[来]e the difficu[自]lties, can make the difficu[文]lties into opportu[字]nities.[控]
Multi-p[来]urpose good to see the world; Don't blindly[自] to please others.[文]
All the secret only two words: perseve[章]rance, stick it out.
Feel yoursel[字]f to and can't do that, in fact, only between[控] a read.
Low down the anticip[自]ation in advance[文] then the concern[字]'s for people could be more comfort[控]able.
What is failure[自]? Failure[文] is the first step to somethi[字]ng better.[控]
Should treat others kindly when being proud, because[自] you need them when you down.
Life is the secret of success[文] is a good chance comes, seize it immedia[字]tely.
Cause a positiv[来]e life, positiv[自]e thinkin[文]g negativ[字]e thought[控]s lead negativ[文]e life.
Let's concern[文]s, will advance[字] change to advance[控] thinkin[文]g and plannin[章]g!
Opportu[字]nity to everyon[控]e, but many people don't know they come across it.
A wise man is always seize the opportu[自]nity to turn it into a better future.[文]
Not man for the access to give; To give itself is unparal[章]leled joy.
No one without[字] contemp[控]t, enduran[文]ce and struggl[章]e to conquer[来] fate.
Learn a concess[控]ion, for cheap. Add a share, minus one points and blessin[文]gs.
If you want to meaning[文] and joy for you, you must give meaning[字] to the world.
Difficu[来]lties like spring,[自] see you is not very strong.[文] You strong he is weak, you weak he was strong.[字]
Leave some baggage[来], you will be surpris[自]ed that you can fly so high.
Diligen[章]ce can make up the lack of wise, but the wise cannot make up for the defects[来] of lazines[自]s.
If you want to have the perfect[章] friends[来]hip, possibl[自]y you may find no friend for all lifetim[文]e.
Treat yoursel[来]f, don't be about others,[自] also don't go around others,[文] confide[字]nt and elegant[控].
As long as the continu[文]ous efforts[字], unremit[控]ting struggl[文]e, no not things.[章]
The hardshi[控]ps of the road, only oneself[文] know. Passing[章] happine[来]ss, only oneself[自] and clear.
Human life's work, choicen[章]ess or poor, are formed by his habit each.
Only persist[控]ence can make you achieve[文] a goal, only knowled[章]ge can make you right from the world.
When your talent also can't afford to support[控] your ambitio[文]n, then you should calm down and study.
Every night to sit in a chair, exhaust[字]ed from a day didn't feel real.
Respons[自]ibiliti[文]es and rights are twins, want to enjoy rights,[字] and then have the courage[控] to take respons[文]ibility[章].
Can't waste one's life, do what you can do is interes[控]ting and useful life.
No matter how steep mountai[文]ns, are always for those who left a climbin[字]g road.
As long as it is hard-wo[自]rking bee, in the life of the vast wildern[文]ess, honey can be found everywh[字]ere.
Only dedicat[自]ion to society[文], to find out the meaning[字] of life is actuall[控]y short and risky.
Success[文]ful people do what others don't want to do, do people dare to do, do what others can't do!
Burnout[来] is a great misfort[自]une, so we struggl[文]e; Discour[字]agement[控] is the root cause of failure[文], so we are confide[章]nt.
Refused[控] to perfect[文]ionism;[章] Real world syncopa[来]tion with perfect[自]ionist,[文] it just come to work.
A person's experie[来]nce is in hard to find, there is only a mature years mill can make it.
A person only see their scar didn't know what is pain, what is right and wrong.
If you taste bitter hateful[文] setback[字]s, friends[控], stand and will let you taste the joy of life.
Our today's life is a choice of three years ago, we after three years of life is the choice of today.
When you feel yoursel[自]f full of spirit,[文] full of confide[字]nce, people will think you are a worthy of trust.
A true friend is not togethe[文]r have talk not over, but even if not to say a word don't feel embarra[字]ssed.
A good to love, to life. Remembe[文]r, every day the sun is new, don't failed to live up to good morning[字] light.
Lit the torch is not to the torch itself,[文] just like our virtue should surpass[字] yoursel[控]f to give light to others.[文]
Will talk less and do more, and nothing[控] but get the attenti[文]on of others;[章] Will say much less, and nothing[来] but ignored[自] by others.[文]
Don't get bogged down in the past. If you always with a section[自] in the previou[文]s chapter[字], you couldn't open a new page in life.
Weight to the person,[文] knowled[字]ge achieve[控]ment luster to the person,[文] most people just saw the brillia[章]nce, and not to weigh weight.[来]
Some truth of life, seeming[章]ly mysteri[来]ous empty spirit,[自] irrelev[文]ant, but they are the source of the details[字] of life.
Anchor is not afraid to bury myself.[文] When people see it, is it at the time of service[字] to humanit[控]y.
We have nothing[字], only money is the youth. Dream let me differe[控]nt, let me change the fate!
Let youth against[字] the old, long hair against[控] the bald, passion[文] against[章] the stale, against[来] the past, the future how natural[自] it is!
I never stopped[来] to read the new technol[自]ogy and new knowled[文]ge in the books, not because[字] they don't underst[控]and new informa[文]tion and the trend of The Times.
A person may believe[控] that many useless[文] talk, but still can be in a reasona[章]ble way and happy to arrange[来] his daily work.
The weak only extreme[章]ly difficu[来]lt, while the brave way; A fool only sound lament,[自] wise men qian wan road.
On the way to work, maybe we work is very ordinar[来]y, as long as you do, and are not ordinar[自]y ordinar[文]y work.
Good method can make us better to play to the talent,[自] and poor method can hinder to play.
If you refuse to pay efforts[来] to gain success[自], then you might want to use the lifetim[文]e of the patient[字] to endure failure[控].
Knowled[字]ge, discrim[控]ination[文], integri[章]ty, knowled[来]ge and of good moral charact[自]er, is the main conditi[文]on of success[字], after interes[控]t and opportu[文]nity.
A person should rely on their own habits,[控] even in the most critica[文]l time, also want to believe[章] my courage[来] and perseve[自]rance.
Each person's life has many dream, but if one constan[来]t trouble[自] with you, the rest is just action.[文]
Life's biggest[自] sorrow is not to lose too much, but caring too much, this is also the importa[文]nt reasons[字] for a person not happy.
Conquer[字] fear the quickes[控]t, indeed,[文] the method of buildin[章]g self-co[来]nfidenc[自]e is to do the thing you fear, until you obtain success[文]ful experie[字]nce.
With rationa[字]l conscio[控]us attitud[文]e in life, people can overcom[章]e their past think cannot solve the tragedy[来].
To his parents[来] for the less the better,[自] the less to the society[文] for the better;[字] Copies of the book, many hats to wisdom for the more the better.[控]
Healthy[控] body is the foundat[文]ion of good style of study is a conditi[章]on, diligen[来]ce is the premise[自] and method of study is the key, the psychol[文]ogical quality[字] is the guarant[控]ee.
No one can degrade[控] us except ourselv[文]es. What if we are strong,[章] there is no bad influen[来]ce can defeat us.
Polish,[来] and make people unbeara[自]ble, struggl[文]ing, but it can make the strong stand more quite, go more steady,[字] have stronge[控]r will to fight.
Sincere[控]ly make you damage sometim[文]es, but your mind is quiet; False sometim[章]es make you for cheap, but your soul is uncomfo[来]rtable.[自]
Every day you the price is higher than the day before,[自] because[文] your life is too short for a day, so every day you should be more active.[字]
Complex[字] simple things to do simple things to serious[控]ly, do serious[文] things to repeat,[章] repeat things to do creativ[来]ely.
Do not go to work, not to sow, again fat fertile[来] soil also don't grow crops, not to strive,[自] not to create,[文] again beautif[字]ul youth also can not out of the fruit.
Fate because[字] interna[控]lly, make a life; Due to the rough fate, open-mi[文]nded life; Fate because[章] of setback[来]s, hard life; Fate because[自] of twists and turns, deeply loves the life.
Exert oneself[自] to do STH. No matter how are you today, tomorro[文]w the leaves will be floatin[字]g down, there are a lot of things cannot be ahead of time, live in the present[控] moment,[文] towards[章] ascensi[来]on.
Human nature is the most poor: we always dream of the horizon[来] of a wonderf[自]ul rose garden,[文] and not to appreci[字]ate in our Windows[控] open roses today.
Is good to be true, and seeking[文] truth from facts, this is a peculia[章]r style of scienti[来]fic workers[自], let us explore[文] endless[字] truth in the boundle[控]ss univers[文]e long river.
Use of existin[章]g resourc[来]es orderly[自] and increas[文]ed resourc[字]es to improve[控] the integra[文]ted functio[章]n of the system,[来] are two equally[自] importa[文]nt for manager[字]s to work.
Courage[控]ous enough to bear, to pay, have the courage[文] to change.[章] Seize every minute,[来] go all out. Zoom in dream, continu[自]ously working[文]. To surpass[字] ourselv[控]es and to win in the future.[文]
And not all competi[章]tion; Don't worry about other people doing than you. Concent[来]rate on the break the record for you every day. Success[自] is a battle between[文] you and your.
Sometim[字]es, free and easy a bit, eyes away from her; A little toleran[控]ce, in the heart then brighte[文]r. Around the world often than we thought[章] it would be wise and toleran[来]ce.
Wisdom itself is hidden in our minds, remove the inert, dare to go beyond themsel[自]ves, will make its own wisdom fully reveale[文]d, to get the final success[字].
Wear digging into the depths of the soul, makes a man by the end of mental torture and trauma, and that is, from this and sidelined and practice and, deleting is bitter, but the Su Sheng road.