1、Styli[文]sh carried[章] to the inferio[来]r level of flatter[自]ing, and then the bad and the good become very similar[文]。时髦把低劣抬[字]到了讨人喜欢的[控]水平,继而把坏[文]的和好的变得十[章]分相像。
2、Bald print love, a man loves a woman。 In the network[来], whether[自] it is a man loves a woman, or a woman love a man, we all have to look sincere[文]。 Care, deceive[字]d the taste we owe feel better![控]秃头绝版恋爱,[文]某男子深爱某女[章]。在网络,不管[来]是某男子深爱某[自]女,还是某女深[文]爱某男子,大家[字]都要真诚看待。[控]将心比心,受骗[文]的滋味大家都欠[章]好受!
3、Embra[来]ce the really strange[自] thing, obvious[文]ly rely so close, but not see each other's face。拥抱[字]真是个奇怪的东[控]西,明明靠的那[文]么近,却看不见[章]彼此的脸。
4、Docto[来]r, could you give me a prescri[自]ption regret it give me a cup Forget Love Potion ╮医生、麻烦你[文]给我开点后悔药[字]再给我杯忘情水[控]╮
5、I too admire my own, and sometim[文]es look in the mirror gave their kowtow。[章]我太佩服我自己[来]了、有时候照镜[自]子的时候都给自[文]己磕头
6、You're not a cactus,[字] why so strong。[控]你不是仙人掌,[文]又何必那么坚强[章]。
7、Fear of God as the enemy, afraid of a dog buddy。不[来]怕神一样的敌人[自],就怕狗一样的[文]哥们。
8、Peopl[字]e always want to do some thing good spirits[控] know, dry point bad childre[文]n always thought[章] that ghosts do not know, we are too embarra[来]ssed to let a ghost。人[自]干点好事儿总想[文]让鬼神知道,干[字]点坏事儿总以为[控]鬼神不知道,我[文]们太让鬼为难了[章]。
9、Those[来] allowed[自] to be squande[文]red's called youth。那[字]些允许被挥霍的[控]年代叫做青春
10、Can take away the love, it is not called love。能被[文]抢走的爱人,那[章]不叫爱人。
11、Not the most beautif[来]ul rainy day, is once you escape the rain roof。最美[自]的不是下雨天,[文]是曾与你躲过雨[字]的屋檐。
12、I emphasi[控]ze the man to be low-key[文]。 May you have to give me applaus[章]e and screami[来]ng。我一在强[自]调做人要低调。[文]可你们非要给我[字]掌声和尖叫。
13、Eye for you the rain, but their heart for you umbrell[控]a。眼睛为你下[文]着雨,心却为你[章]撑着伞
14、The world will not care about your self-es[来]teem, people see only your accompl[自]ishment[文]s。 You do not have success[字] in the past, not too much emphasi[控]s on self-es[文]teem。世界[章]不会在意你的自[来]尊,人们看的只[自]是你的成就。在[文]你没有成就以前[字],切勿过分强调[控]自尊。
15、Take[文] the most urgent is the most beautif[章]ul scenery[来], the deepest[自] wound was the most real emotion[文]s。走的最急的[字]是最美的景色,[控]伤的最深的是最[文]真的感情。
16、I know you before helples[章]s, you know, after I no cure。认识[来]你之前我无依无[自]靠,认识你之后[文]我无药可医。
17、You said you would wait for me to come back, you are waiting[字], but also to find a man and other people。[控]你说你会等我回[文]来,你是等了,[章]还找了一个人一[来]起等。
18、Only[自] defensi[文]ble secrets[字] to get more secrets[控]。只有守得住秘[文]密的人才能得到[章]更多的秘密。
19、Some people say that loneliness is shameful, but fashion is a means of resistance alone, this is fashion realm。有人说孤独是可耻的,而时尚则是抵抗孤独的手段,这才是时尚的境界。
20、Chop[来]in, if you pop my sorrow I'll give you two dollars[自]。肖邦,你若弹[文]出我的悲伤 我就给你两块钱[字]。
21、Smar[控]t people should be happy, I think smart people often trouble[文]d。聪明的人应[章]当是快乐的,自[来]以为聪明的人才[自]常常感到烦恼。[文]
22、Busy[字], there are thing that thing, all right, said the whole thing a little。[控]忙,有事儿说事[文]儿,没事儿整点[章]儿事儿说。
23、If you see a shadow in front, do not be afraid,[来] it is because[自] the sun behind you。如果你[文]看到面前的阴影[字],别怕,那是因[控]为你的背后有阳[文]光
24、Worl[章]d is so chaotic[来], for whom pure install[自]ed。世界那么[文]乱,装纯给谁看[字]。
25、Fash[控]ion, is a kind of aesthet[文]ic view。 Brother[章] is a punk, you satisfi[来]ed 时尚,就是一种[自]审美观。哥就朋[文]克,你不服吗?[字]
26、Dema[控]nd and not, homes and can not, must not hesitat[文]e, this is the greates[章]t tragedy[来]。求而不得,舍[自]而不能,得而不[文]惜,这是人最大[字]的悲哀。
27、Do not do the biggest[控] differe[文]nce is: the latter has the right to comment[章] on the former。[来]做与不做的最大[自]区别是:后者拥[文]有对前者的评论[字]权。
28、Brot[控]her smoking[文] because[章] it hurt the lungs, not sad!哥吸烟[来]是因为它伤肺、[自]不伤心!
29、Life[文] is like a phone, not you hang up, that is, I'll hang up。人生就像[字]打电话,不是你[控]先挂,就是我先[文]挂。
30、Some[章] people like this, they are maggots[来] all over the world feel is a big bog。有些人[自]就是这样, 自己是蛆就觉得[文]全世界是一个大[字]粪池。
31、God determi[控]nes who is your relativ[文]e, fortuna[章]tely, it can choose our friends[来] left the room for you。上天决[自]定了谁是你的亲[文]戚,幸运的是在[字]选择朋友方面它[控]给你留了余地。[文]
32、Give[章] me a girl。 I can create a nation。[来]给我一个姑娘。[自]我可以创造一个[文]民族。
33、Some[字] things must not be missed:[控] a dream come true free lunch card cash back。有些[文]事情绝不能错过[章]:天上掉馅饼免[来]费吃午餐刷卡返[自]现金。
34、Tire[文]d it? Tired on the way, is left to comfort[字] the dead。累么[控]?累就对了,舒[文]服是留给死人的[章]。
35、Some[来] people think luxury is the opposit[自]e of poverty[文]。 Actuall[字]y not, luxury is the opposit[控]e of vulgari[文]ty。有人认为[章]奢侈是贫穷的对[来]立面。其实不是[自],奢侈是粗俗的[文]对立面。
36、Man believe[字]d to be flirtin[控]g, woman thought[文] it was exotic。[章]男人认为是调情[来],女人以为是情[自]调。
37、I am still young and need guidanc[文]e。 However[字], I do not need you pointin[控]g。我还年青,[文]需要指点。但是[章],不需要您对我[来]指指点点
38、Pick[自]ed up a penny in the street,[文] it should be handed pol。 Uncle ice hand side, this is the princip[字]le。 But they picked up ten dollars[控] this is beyond the scope of the princip[文]le。在马路边[章]捡到一分钱,这[来]要上交给pol[自]。ice叔叔手[文]里边 ,这是原则。但[字]捡到十块钱 这已经超出了原[控]则的范围了。
39、I allow you into my world, but does not allow you to walk around in my world。我[文]允许你走进我的[章]世间,但不允许[来]你在我世间走来[自]走去。
40、Fron[文]t man for his wife to work general[字]ly consist[控]s of a tie, the man from the bed for a long time lover solutio[文]n belt for him。男人上[章]班前一般由老婆[来]为他系领带,男[自]人上床前多时由[文]情人为他解裤带[字]。
41、Eart[控]h is in motion,[文] a person will not always be in a bad positio[章]n。地球是运动[来]的,一个人不会[自]永远处在倒霉的[文]位置。
42、Some[字]thing directl[控]y to Ben theme, do not take your ignoran[文]ce, challen[章]ge my blackli[来]st。有事直接[自]奔主题, 不要拿你的无知[文], 挑战我的黑名单[字]。
43、Wear[控] high heels, you're changed[文]。穿上高跟鞋,[章]你就变了。
44、Not strong no tears, but tears can get ahead。强[来]者不是没有眼泪[自],只是可以含着[文]眼泪向前跑
45、Tiec[字]hu to ground into a needle,[控] but can only be ground into toothpi[文]cks Mu Chu, materia[章]l does not, more effort is useless[来]。铁杵能磨成针[自],但木杵只能磨[文]成牙签,材料不[字]对,再努力也没[控]用。
46、True[文] gentlem[章]an is: the attitud[来]e of the WTO's work, born of the attitud[自]e to life。真君[文]子是:以入世之[字]态度做事,以出[控]世之态度做人。[文]
47、Ever[章]yone laughed[来] at the old fashion[自], but religio[文]usly pursue new fashion[字]。每一个人都嘲[控]笑陈旧的时尚,[文]却虔诚地追求新[章]的时尚。
48、My dream is to save women from the origina[来]l natural[自] state。我[文]的梦想是把女从[字]天然的本来状态[控]中拯救出来。
49、A man with smoke, with wine, and will have a story; woman money, with good looks, and will have a tragedy[文]。男人有了烟,[章]有了酒,也就有[来]了故事;女人有[自]了钱,有了姿色[文],也就有了悲剧[字]。
50、I never lie, except friends[控] other than this sentenc[文]e。我从不说谎[章],除啦这句话以[来]外。
51、Run into a group of hooliga[自]ns on the Interne[文]t is not terribl[字]e, terribl[控]e is run into a bunch of rogue softwar[文]e。在网上碰上[章]一群流氓并不可[来]怕,可怕的是碰[自]上了一堆流氓软[文]件。
52、Humb[字]le surface[控], hide his metamor[文]phosis。[章]卑微的表面,掩[来]饰内心的变态。[自]
53、A life is nothing[文] more than to let others smiled,[字] and occasio[控]nally smiled others。[文] 人生在世无非是[章]让别人笑笑,偶[来]尔笑笑别人。
54、Styl[自]e is a first instinc[文]t, intuiti[字]on。风格首先[控]是一种本能、直[文]觉。
55、You are in great shape, good to see you even the Monkey King, I will give you three sticks of。你身材很[章]好,好的连孙悟[来]空看见你,都会[自]给你三棍子了。[文]
56、Bow to the courage[字], looked to have confide[控]nce。低头要[文]有勇气,抬头要[章]有底气。
57、Enth[来]usiasm is a beautif[自]ul secret。[文] No warm beauty is unattra[字]ctive。热[控]情是美丽的秘密[文]。没有热情的美[章]丽是没有吸引力[来]的。
58、His hospita[自]lity, that he just fell in love with you; he was clumsy,[文] it is his deep love of you; he calmly,[字] that he was tired of you。他殷勤[控],那是他刚刚爱[文]上你;他笨拙,[章]那是他深深爱着[来]你;他从容,那[自]是他已厌倦你。[文]
59、Fast[字] end of the world, there are things I have been telling[控] you, I actuall[文]y Altman。[章]世界快末日了,[来]有件事情我一直[自]瞒着你,其实我[文]是奥特曼。
60、Free[字]dom is not what you want, but can not you do not want to do。自由不是[控]做你想做的,而[文]是可以不做你不[章]想做的。
61、Adve[来]rtising[自] look good, suddenl[文]y jumped out a TV series。[字]广告看的好好的[控],突然蹦出个电[文]视剧。
62、The higher the line, prove that more people lonely。[章]在线率越高,证[来]明这个人越寂寞[自]。
63、Man's love is like an ad, a brief but excitin[文]g; woman's love is like soap operas,[字] lengthy[控] and complex[文]。男人的爱情就[章]像广告词,简短[来]而精彩;女人的[自]爱情就像连续剧[文],冗长而复杂。[字]
64、Love[控] is not a refuge,[文] refuge then want to go, they will be driven out。爱情不[章]是避难所,想进[来]去避难的话,是[自]会被赶出来的。[文]
65、Beli[字]eve it or not I slap you take the wall, pull all pull down。你信[控]不信我一巴掌把[文]你拍墙上,抠都[章]抠不下来
66、Empt[来]y head does not matter,[自] the key is not to water。脑[文]袋空不要紧、关[字]键是不要进水。[控]
67、Devi[文]l killer body, a large wavy golden hair shine, slender[章] legs wearing[来] a yellow goose miniski[自]rts, show figure of the perfect[文]。魔鬼般惹火的[字]身材,一头大波[控]浪形金黄卷发发[文]出耀眼的光芒,[章]修长的大腿穿着[来]一条鹅黄色的超[自]短迷你裙,显出[文]身材的完美绝伦[字]。
68、Memo[控]ry like the palm of the water, whether[文] you spread out or clenche[章]d, will eventua[来]lly flow drop by drop from the fingers[自] clean。记[文]忆像是掌心里的[字]水,不论你摊开[控]还是紧握,终究[文]还是会从指缝中[章]一滴一滴流淌干[来]净。
69、Not afraid to drink dichlor[自]vos, afraid opening[文]s Enjoy a pleasan[字]t surpris[控]e more than a bottle![文]不怕喝敌敌畏,[章]就怕开盖有惊喜[来] 畅享多一瓶!
70、The Pursuit[自] of Happyne[文]ss, I probabl[字]y was not at home。当幸[控]福来敲门的时候[文],我或许不在家[章]。
71、Sist[来]er is not the Mona Lisa, not all smiles for everyon[自]e。姐不是蒙娜[文]丽莎,不会对每[字]个人都微笑。
72、My signatu[控]re is very expensi[文]ve, especia[章]lly to sign the check above!我[来]的签名很贵,尤[自]其是签在支票上[文]面!
73、Fash[字]ion and film are the kind of audienc[控]e do not feel or see the glossy surface[文] behind the work of the industr[章]y。时装和电影[来]都是那种观众感[自]受不到或者看不[文]到光鲜表面背后[字]的工作的行业。[控]
74、Fift[文]y cents and fifty cents is the happies[章]t because[来] they make up a piece。五[自]毛和五毛是最幸[文]福的 因为他们凑成了[字]一块。
75、Fast[控]-paced world, I was too serious[文]。花花世界,是[章]我太认真。
76、Fami[来]ly, friends[自], love, and why the word love always in the back。 Because[文] finally[字] be real feeling[控]s。亲情,友,[文]爱情,为什么情[章]字总在后面。因[来]为走到最后才是[自]真正的感情。
77、When[文] I was younger[字], we often directe[控]d at the mirror and make faces; old age, the mirror be even。年轻[文]的时候,我们常[章]常冲着镜子做鬼[来]脸;年老的时候[自],镜子算是扯平[文]了。
78、A friend of the depth of trust, not you will not see him laugh, but to see you willing[字] to cry in front of him。对一个[控]朋友信任的深浅[文],不是看你会不[章]会对他笑,而是[来]看你愿不愿意当[自]着他的面哭。
79、Man's strengt[文]h is your pocket yuan。男人[字]的实力就是你兜[控]里的人民币。
80、A mature person can often find fewer and fewer people to blame, because[文] everyon[章]e has difficu[来]lties。一[自]个成熟的人往往[文]发觉可以责怪的[字]人越来越少,因[控]为人人都有难处[文]。
81、The so-call[章]ed fashion[来] is now traditi[自]on。 Traditi[文]onal comes with some kind of necessi[字]ty, so that people of non-par[控] to it is not。所谓时[文]尚就是目前的传[章]统。传统都带有[来]某种必要,使人[自]们非向它看齐不[文]可。
82、Wome[字]n like men have a sense of securit[控]y; men are often insecur[文]e woman to attract[章]。女人喜欢有安[来]全感的男人;男[自]人却往往被缺乏[文]安全感的女人吸[字]引。
83、The world is ours, and also his sons, can ultimat[控]ely gang grandch[文]ildren。[章]世界是我们的,[来]也是儿子们的,[自]可最终是那帮孙[文]子们的。
84、Laughing just a face, has nothing to do with happiness。笑只是一个表情,与快乐无关。