53、Phot[章]ography[来] is only a lonely past process[自], but I enjoy it.
54、Rath[文]er than a thing, an idea, rather than an idea, as a dream.
55、Life[字] itself is not real. We are the people who put life into stones and pebbles[控].
56、Shot[文], the photogr[章]apher asked me where is the most beautif[来]ul, I step back to you.
58、I never let a person look bad, they show themsel[文]ves. Photo is your mirror,[字] is you.
59、With[控] a camera through[文] all China's every city in every corner of the photogr[章]apher.
60、Phot[来]ography[自] is a way to learn how to observe[文] things,[字] it is a strong persona[控]l feeling[文].
61、We all like a speedin[章]g high-de[来]finitio[自]n cameras[文], recordi[字]ng the life, about you and me.
62、Less[控] less picture[文]s, photogr[章]aphy, little miss, a man is not old no future chantin[来]g past.
63、Once[自] I want to be a wanderi[文]ng minstre[字]l, just I want to be a wanderi[控]ng the photogr[文]apher.
64、God also must be a photogr[章]apher, he said on the first day of creatio[来]n: let there be light.
65、In the camera tend to be luxuria[自]nt appeara[文]nce, the human eye to see is the essence[字] of life.
66、Phot[控]ographi[文]c languag[章]e sui generis[来], more importa[自]ntly, it is a kind of observa[文]tion and ethics.[字]
67、A camera is not in its price is high, but we only see the photogr[控]apher will focus the camera.[文]
68、Phot[章]ography[来] is not do not break the law, how do you think you should take, then how to shoot.
69、I am eager to capture[自] the beauty in front of my eyes all, through[文] long-te[字]rm efforts[控] to finally[文] get it.
70、I like photogr[章]aphy, I to live is to take picture[来]s. I never want to retire in the photogr[自]aphy busines[文]s.
71、Phot[字]ography[控] is a born in fire, float light technol[文]ogy and art; And images into words, is looking[章] for hope.
72、The change of a photogr[来]apher, derived[自] from the ego a positiv[文]e, rather than waiting[字] for others to help you.
73、Phot[控]ographe[文]r always don't know oneself[章] also scenery[来], psychol[自]ogical doctor always don't know what is crazy.
74、Phot[文]ography[字] liberat[控]ed paintin[文]g from his honest baby, make the paintin[章]g can pursue the highest[来] goal: abstrac[自]t.
75、Time[文] camera,[字] capture[控] the ghost, left a mood and less shy, forgot to artific[文]ial and natural[章] and pure, in the photo.
76、Land[来]scape photogr[自]aphy is a journey[文], a kind of pursuit[字], a uniquel[控]y human migrati[文]on to the impulse[章] of the vision of beauty.[来]
77、My camera bag when I play the photogr[自]apher things are very few, workers[文] don't dare to put it inside,[字] afraid that I fell.
78、Enco[控]unter in life, most of the pieces of joy for life is uneasy;[文] With photogr[章]aphy, is a moment not huan lifetim[来]e happine[自]ss.
79、I think photogr[文]aphy is importa[字]nt to express[控] the good and the feeling[文]s of love, cherish[章] and seize his moment of love shines.[来]
80、I like photogr[自]aphy, because[文] I found that I need. But it is from and you need to express[字] love. The photos telling[控] you my love.
81、Some[文] things are not you see, just like the profess[章]ional photogr[来]apher is not necessa[自]rily photogr[文]aphy, may also be a car service[字].
82、Now almost all western[控] memoria[文]l is visual.[章] Photogr[来]aphic memory to us which aspects[自] of the event has a quenchl[文]ess decisiv[字]e force.
83、Phot[控]ography[文] is a kind of into the time of action,[章] to tear out some what, then, in the form of another[来] kind of persist[自]ent frames.[文]
84、A man will never go out of his childho[字]od. My photogr[控]aphy, the first is looking[文] for a childho[章]od memory of the environ[来]ment and people.[自]
85、Phot[文]ography[字], seeming[控]ly innocuo[文]us element[章], also can be used to supplem[来]ent the sense of form, make the picture[自] to add a sense of form.
86、The most lost two career as a dentist[文] and photogr[字]apher: the dentist[控] want to be a doctor,[文] the photogr[章]apher wants to become a painter[来].
87、A good photogr[自]aphy, is the directo[文]r's eyes, help him find good things,[字] is also a directo[控]r of the wings, to help him reach his dream.
88、The tower has a potenti[文]al animal.[章] In additio[来]n, the photogr[自]aphic method also discove[文]red the Eiffel Tower of a new truth: it is sexual.[字]
89、Phot[控]ography[文] is exorcis[章]m of our times. Primiti[来]ve society[自] has its mask, petty bourgeo[文]is society[字] with its mirror,[控] and we have our picture[文].
90、When[章] you begin to learn to speak into a marketi[来]ng image of capital[自], you will find in fact, success[文] is not as difficu[字]lt as people think.
91、I just don't want to have you, I just want to accompa[控]ny you, like a bystand[文]er, like singing[章], like a photogr[来]apher. As if we are togethe[自]r.
92、Like[文] photogr[字]aphy at somewhe[控]re else, like travel itself,[文] like to indulge[章] novel without[来] self, at the end of the day, I just hate being bound.
93、At the time of being photogr[自]aphed, people seem to be ups and downs, attend.[文] Photogr[字]aphing,[控] photogr[文]aphed is nothing[章] but a mask, or the truth.
94、Phot[来]ography[自] is a tool that is used to deal with things but turn a blind eye is known to all. My picture[文] is to show the things you can't see.
95、We see a movie togethe[字]r, travel togethe[控]r, even if not photogr[文]aphy, also insist on a camera to replace[章] my eyes leave the best memorie[来]s for you.
96、I like photogr[自]aphy, all good things will be fixed in the photo. Never change,[文] also not be forgott[字]en, forever[控] maintai[文]ns the origina[章]l appeara[来]nce.
97、I really need sunshin[自]e, fresh air and green vegetab[文]les, nutriti[字]ous diet, I really need to photogr[控]aphy and paintin[文]g. All this can heal my wounds.[章]
98、Youn[来]g to caprici[自]ous, go out to enjoy, love is like driving[文] through[字]. Have a good sightse[控]eing, photogr[文]aphy, with his own hands hug strange[章] figure.[来]
99、Phot[自]ography[文] is a great inventi[字]on, is the eyes and a memory,[控] is daily life with a little unusual[文], is to let each time, add the magic of the first time.
100、I think photogr[章]aphy is like writing[来], is to see what a moment to record,[自] is to keep a record of a person grow never pursuit[文] is recogni[字]zed by most people.[控]
101、The[文] word of the keys to success[章] photogr[来]aphy as the key to unlock,[自] if you can't accurat[文]ely check the number,[字] so must be unable to open the door to success[控].
102、Con[文]stantly[章] reflect[来] on the picture[自], is to let themsel[文]ves get better habits.[字] But some people are always afraid of this, so finally[控] become inferio[文]r photogr[章]apher.
103、I already[来] know you have to do the exhibit[自]ion, so I go out to play, always insist,[文] but I also just patted.[字] Until I notice you again, I was able to find their own work.
104、In order to maintai[控]n the photogr[文]aphy team reputat[章]ion, fat to explain[来] on the locatio[自]ns of just one person.[文] But from all of the food intake seems to become bigger than in Japan.
105、Eac[字]h photo is a double image: both the object being photogr[控]aphed, there are more or less can see photos of the opposit[文]e of object : in the picture[章] the moment of the photogr[来]apher himself[自].
106、Writing, painting, photography, mood they cover in the depth of the texture, and is only intended to convey the intention and you need to present the quality of a material, but is not necessarily true inner part arrived.