Color of snow, the white winter,[文] the red Christm[章]as, warm color of the season。[来] In this quiet moment,[自] sincere[文]ly wish you a merry Christm[字]as and a happy New Year!
Beautif[控]ul Christm[文]as, hakodat[章]e starlig[来]ht with you and I face, Christm[自]as Eve ping fruit to nourish[文] you my lips。 Happy you and me in the New Year opened a Christm[字]as fruit。
Silent night, quiet, peacefu[文]l message[章] was to read text message[来]s feel wonderf[自]ul, sweet smile every day, after much good day, go in peace joy! Wishing[文] you all a merry Christm[字]as!
Christm[文]as Eve! The charmin[章]g night, romanti[来]c night, go in peace night, good night, let us enjoy the great night! Wish your Christm[自]as Eve in peace, be happy!
The meteor,[字] falling[控] is my miss to you; Flutter[文]ing snow, is my caring for you, flashin[章]g Christm[来]as tree, is my blessin[自]g to you。 Wishing[文] you a happy Christm[字]as Eve。
Star bright sky, jixiang[章]ruyi befall。[来] Your smiling[自], let tao tao。 Bell distant[文] harmony[字], SMS blessin[控]g happine[文]ss around。[章] On Christm[来]as Eve, wish you happy, no worries[自]!
Good luck to petitio[字]n, good thing always in pairs, Christm[控]as Eve, Christm[文]as luck, I wish you a happy mood if snow, life every day as a holiday[章]。 Luck on Christm[来]as Eve, I wish you a happy happy!
Peace, beautif[文]ul melody melodio[字]us bell send you send you lucky, colorfu[控]l lights send you warm, devout prayer to send you honey is sweet。 Christm[文]as Eve to send peace, good luck all the year round!
Chilly wind is blowing[来] above the clouds,[自] above the clouds with the snow, snow in success[文]ion is wrapped[字] in the romanti[控]c, so romanti[文]c with you to a romanti[章]c Christm[来]as Eve。 Merry Christm[自]as!
St the Christm[字]as that Christm[控]as, Christm[文]as all huan, also a sleeple[章]ss night。 Transfe[来]r in Christm[自]as Eve creamer[文] wish Christm[字]as, Christm[控]as wishes,[文] orgiast[章]ic night califar[来]nia! Merry Christm[自]as!
Readily[控] and Christm[文]as, carniva[章]l sleeple[来]ss nights。[自] A peace night words, listen to laughte[文]r。 And some snow, friends[字] gathere[控]d in front of the hall。 Is you, I miss the most wish merry Christm[文]as!
I reverse[来]d the hourgla[自]ss, the past into the future。[文] Let time frames,[字] for you never stop at this moment of happine[控]ss。 Christm[文]as Eve, wish you all the year round in peace, happine[章]ss life!
Christm[文]as Eve snow, with my blessin[字]g flew into your heart。 I clicked[控] happy piano keys, with playing[文] Christm[章]as carols for you sincere[来]ly, wish you happy in the New Year, happy every day!
Christm[字]as Eve, safe way for you and happine[控]ss with you around,[文] setback[章]s see you hurried[来]ly, tao is all go, happy to give you special[自] attenti[文]on to Christm[字]as, blessin[控]g message[文]s to send!
On Christm[自]as Eve, star all over the sky, stars, is I see miss, Christm[文]as Eve, a little cold, bless full, I hope you feel very warm。 Friends[字], please remembe[控]r, you the peace of my miss。
On Christm[来]as Eve night, eat an apple, this life will be in peace。 Friend,[自] don't forget to eat well, don't forget to remind your friends[文]。 Wish you all the year round in peace, be happy!
On Christm[控]as Eve, you would like to delete yesterd[文]ay's trouble[章]s, determi[来]ne the good tomorro[自]w, store the body strong,[文] copy the happine[字]ss in the side, paste peace without[控] boundar[文]ies, upgrade[章] beautif[来]ul forever[自]。
Tonight[文]'s the night is long, the wind cold tonight[章], ok dear and you by my side。 I didn't cry don't make, just want to and you go to the glebe's old。 Christm[来]as Eve, more than love。 Because[自] have you by my side, every day at Christm[文]as。
On Christm[文]as Eve the bell had rung, the melodio[章]us bell is I miss you, Christm[来]as tree lights have hung, that is, I think your eyes flicker[自]ing lights,[文] sincere[字] greetin[控]gs to my friends[文], merry Christm[章]as!
Christm[文]as Eve, the fallen leaves flying,[字] is permeat[控]ed with sweet, ripplin[文]g the truth, blessed[章] with, how many sleeple[来]ss nights are not as good as today's peace night of happine[自]ss and joy, warm the night。
The warm lights,[控] twinkli[文]ng; Lucky star, shining[章]; Colorfu[来]l firewor[自]ks, in bloom; Sincere[文] best wishes,[字] it is sent。 On Christm[控]as Eve, starlig[文]ht praying[章] for you, we wish you a merry Christm[来]as happine[自]ss, happy forever[文]!
On Christm[文]as Eve, will give you a massage[章], tenet: peace around you。 Essence[来]: happine[自]ss hug with you。 Slogan:[文] success[字] with you。 Theme: shake hands with you。 Objecti[控]ve: to wish you a happy Christm[文]as Eve。
Christm[来]as Eve, warm and peacefu[自]l have peace satisfi[文]ed of trillio[字]n, has the blessin[控]g of health and happine[文]ss, good luck, peace be to you the night happy covered[章], silent accept my blessin[来]g, good fortune[自] longevi[文]ty and health![字]
Distanc[章]e can't block me and your contact[来], distanc[自]e to resist the I give you blessin[文]gs, distanc[字]e are my miss to you, distanc[控]e to take don't walk I to your Christm[文]as Eve message[章]: wish far-awa[来]y place of you, merry Christm[自]as!
Silent night dreamed[文] someone[章] singing[来] hymns, then you go and be kind to others。[自] Christm[文]as Eve dream god smile at you, that you are sure to get grace。 If so, then you are free to enjoy life, enjoy happine[字]ss!
Unusual[来] in tonight[自], night, is to send an apple you spend your Christm[文]as Eve, protect[字] you night and day safely and to send you a Pepsi when ambrosi[控]a, all the surpris[文]es in tonight[章], I wish you a happy Christm[来]as Eve。
On Christm[控]as Eve, send you two gifts。 Happy to send you two cases bomb, blowing[文] the trouble[章] go away! Then send you an aircraf[来]t carrier[自], to bring you happine[文]ss! Finally[字] I wish you a healthy[控] body, life in peace!
Is the most warm warm on Christm[来]as Eve, and you togethe[自]r, lively strip, borrow the moon lang lang, a few lights,[文] a series of WenNian[字]Hua details[控]。 As long as you said in your heart me again some more, I will gently dissolv[文]e all melanch[章]oly。
The stars twinkle[文] in the night sky, like drop tears full of my missing[字]。 Christm[控]as Eve music ring, miss I often play the song for you though I'm not in your side, but really want to gently in your ear said: baby, merry Christm[文]as。
Again to the Christm[文]as Eve, I wish you a lovely as roses: beautif[字]ul, radiant[控], beautif[文]ul, when it comes to a man, heartbr[章]oken, woman。 I wish you: to be a confide[来]nt woman, is the husband[自]'s favorit[文]e woman, merry Christm[字]as to the beauty![控]
On Christm[自]as Eve, I would like to life in their own planted[文] beside their making love and heart, peace to my scared tree full of flowers[字], protect[控] my side relativ[文]es, friends[章], and you know or don't know, safe and healthy[来] for ever and ever!
On Christm[控]as Eve, the air is full of joy and laughte[文]r, socks with four seasons[章] peace, stove burning[来] flame happine[自]ss, chimney[文] up out of the auspici[字]ous clouds,[控] text message[文]s and write full wishes:[章] wish you Christm[来]as Eve peace, happy Christm[自]as!
Don't love you, too difficu[文]lt, difficu[章]lt to move on! Don't miss you, too tired, tired to eat not sweet! Santa on Christm[来]as Eve, my love to you the window and into the socks inside:[自] a love you sincere[文]ly, looking[字] forward[控] to fall in love with you this life the same!
On Christm[自]as night dreamin[文]g, god said to me, he'll give you happine[字]ss all over the world, let me tell you, he will have a beautif[控]ul Christm[文]as package[章] send, certain[来]ly is the most sweet experie[自]nce, pay attenti[文]on to receive[字], merry Christm[控]as。
A year of socks until Christm[自]as Eve to wash out the dry, early in the morning[文] was awakene[字]d by Santa Claus were purring[控], wake up after him: the elder brother[文]s you are malicio[章]us, I busy night present[来] all didn't, your socks left half full。
My dear friends[控], the ding of the Christm[文]as Eve echoed in the path, I send you a sincere[章] Christm[来]as tree, above the review of our friends[自]hip, full of my blessin[文]g to you, wish good luck always put your care, peace be to you a lifetim[字]e of happine[控]ss。
Silent night you look up at the sky, if there is a star in the blink of an eye, that is I wish you a life of peace; Thousan[自]ds of stars in the flash, that is to wish you a happy forever[文]; If a star also have no, that's too many blessin[字]gs, let the stars shade!
The message the Santa Claus will be responsible for the creation, the happiness is responsible for the writing, the happiness is responsible for the sending, the luck is responsible for the transfer, I'm in charge of the investment, sent to your mobile phone in advance, I wish you: Christmas Eve, Christmas is happy!