Send you a kiss, a whisper[文] I'm glad you are mine。 Happy valenti[章]ne's day!
This valenti[控]ne's day this year, don't ask me how。 I cowardl[文]y admit, I sad。
Is I write love letter,[控]; I dozen telepho[文]ne, is; Rose, is I send; Blessin[章]g, I said: happy valenti[来]ne's day!
Listen to a somebod[章]y else say, can use a word said, is the most real and proper answer,[来] so I said: I love you!
You are the most beautif[来]ul in my eyes, an aquilin[自]e nose mouth, toad rat eyes round, one mouth, below the nose drippin[文]g droolin[字]g。
Deep love deep rain receive[字], you are a worm in my belly, I think what you know, when you say nothing[控] at all! Happy valenti[文]ne's day, baby!
Put my heart in your hands, share your joy, share your pain, share all the good things and the feeling[文] of love in the world。
Please cherish[文] every chance you have, seize belong to you every moment![章] I belong to you forever[来]! Miss you my love! Happy valenti[自]ne's day!
Suppose[自] you want to sleep, read your heart poundin[文]g; Love you love you love the resourc[字]efulnes[控]s, meat straigh[文]t to fall off! Happy valenti[章]ne's day!
Under the sky of the rain is dripped[章] of tears which I miss you, the clock kept pace is my blessin[来]g to you constan[自]tly! The two old friends[文], I'm going。
Engrave[文]d with my left hand, right hand write you, heart full of love, when we palm relativ[字]e, mutual affinit[控]y, all people will see - I love you!
Togethe[控]r day very mediocr[文]e, as if the waves is not surpris[章]ed, but, this kind of everyda[来]y life is the most romanti[自]c, right? Wife, happy valenti[文]ne's day!
Really want to hide you, hide in the chest pocket,[字] put you slowly melting[控], you will never leave! Hide you, only allowed[文] and I a person fall in love!
The dark night sky hung crescen[章]t, white hands holding[来] a flower,[自] you I met is a myth, since each other care each other, why don't we get married[文]!
When you see this message[字], you have a violent[控] incompa[文]rable love poison,[章] the only cure is to marry me, need not conside[来]r, let's get married[自]!
Like a person,[文] there will not be painful[字]。 Love a person,[控] may have lingeri[文]ng pain, but he gave me the happy, happy is also the world's largest[章]。
Happy memorie[来]s, benefit[自] for all people drink three cups; On a good profit,[文] the attract[字]ion of the maple leaf star cui。 Calm, no worry, joy peace forever[控]。
Is by no means wealth can buy content[文]ment peace happine[章]ss; Love love partner[来] and happine[自]ss, is the treasur[文]e of the world! Dear, happy valenti[字]ne's day!
Oh, my gosh! Help him! One single,[文] no courage[章]; My god! Save him, a young, no lover。 Happy valenti[来]ne's day! To find the other half lives。
As long as you are looking[自] at me in the distanc[文]e, there will be no others into my heart, a heart beating[字] for you forever[控]。 Dear, happy valenti[文]ne's day!
Feeling[文] zhenzhe[章]n, idea, a piece of acacia,[来] how long will the month as lean on floor。 Affecti[自]on leisure[文]ly, think long, love when not to Sue, unless the river's backup。[字]
I collect[控]ed for you the beauty of nature,[文] on your candle holders[章]。 Will be able to say all hidden in the bud, let it become a secret to stay put。 Happy valenti[来]ne's day!
Wish you can have a good dream tonight[自], if you are a sweet smile in my dream, that is my the moon cool breeze bring you the blessin[文]g。 Happy valenti[字]ne's day! My baby!
No matter what, you don't give up hope, as long as believe[控] in looking[文] forward[章] to will come true, no matter what encount[来]er setback[自]s, as long as you stick to it, will get it。
My love is like stars in the sky, and countle[文]ss; My love, like cabbage[字], cooked this also not bad; Like a beggar to me, you give us some feeling[控]s just run away。 Excuse me, more love。
This text aim is to express[文] sincere[章], goal is to make you happy, aims to send you my love, theme is I love you never change,[来] the essence[自] is to wish you happy valenti[文]ne's day。
Above the clouds is the clear sky, is the rainbow[字] after wind and rain, caring is followe[控]d by love, a reunion[文] after separat[章]ion。 Cherish[来] all moved, your hand in my whole life!
Actuall[自]y sky is very blue, the clouds will eventua[文]lly; Actuall[字]y the sea is not wide, sea even shining[控] sea; Actuall[文]y tears also sweet, when your heart wish; In fact, I want you, happy every day。
The distanc[章]e you can take good care of yoursel[来]f, don't catch a cold have a runny nose, occasio[自]nally also can play a few sneeze,[文] I think that is on behalf of you! Happy valenti[字]ne's day!
Has been very want to say with you, but I don't know do you think I am too impatie[控]nt。 I was afraid of being scooped[文] again, so I decided[章] to summon up courage[来] to tell you: happy valenti[自]ne's day!
In the most beautif[文]ul night miss you, read you, in the deepest[字] breathi[控]ng at the time of the most comfort[文]able feeling[章], you know when the most down and out, the world have you is enough。[来]
Affecti[自]on is in the heart is yearnin[文]g, is a feeling[字], a collisi[控]on of inspira[文]tion, is shining[章], is a sweet nectar,[来] is intoxic[自]ating pure alcohol[文]。 I wish you a happy valenti[字]ne's day!
The people in the world so much, why getting[文] to know you。 Why do so many people know that I miss you。 As long as thinkin[章]g of you, the heart is sweet as honey! Happy valenti[来]ne's day!
Green tree red flower,[文] the white walls of the pink yarn, we hand in hand heart for heart, bright red happy charact[字]er with a sweet, love each other from now on to build a warm home!
Countle[文]ss miss you night, remembe[章]r to enjoy the happy time with you, I pray for the meteor,[来] let I engaged[自] to meet with you, love each other, until the glebe's old! Happy valenti[文]ne's day!
Sauvign[字]on blanc: xiao cold, cold, late valenti[控]ne's day holiday[文] alone set, Gu Ying since the mournfu[章]l。 See also difficu[来]lt, think also difficu[自]lt, regret sleep in this long night, ask the flow does not flow。
Miss so beautif[字]ul tonight[控], look out of the window FengQin[文]gYueMin[章]g; Miss tonight[来] so affecti[自]onate, hear back insects[文] sing; Tonight[字] I thought[控] are tempted[文], because[章] I am missing[来] you。 Happy valenti[自]ne's day!
Say not the festiva[字]l, three to get informa[控]tion。 Withere[文]d mei has a seam snow last night, acacia sorrow。[章] Small wind rustlin[来]g hydroph[自]obic rain, again next, one thousan[文]d lines of tears。 New Year earthly[字], heartbr[控]oken and who to send。
Aspiration is the wind, happy is the sail, the blessing is ship; In wish the wind kicked up happy sail set sail with the blessing of the other side of the ship to a lifetime of happiness。 Gently greetings: happy valentine's day!