You are all of my life。 Please say you will。 Happy valenti[文]ne's day, my dear。
Our love, stronge[文]r every year。 Dear, happy valenti[字]ne's day。
May bring us Cupid's valenti[自]ne's day love and warmth of romance[文]。 Happy valenti[字]ne's day!
I love, love it pure, love it Ming, love it round。 I love you, love you, really good love you, love you。
Acquain[文]ted with you sincere[章]ly, and between[来] a tacit, accompa[自]ny with you daily。 Happy valenti[文]ne's day!
You will always be there waiting[来] for me, and I will always be there for you。 Happy valenti[自]ne's day。
Chinese[章] valenti[来]ne's day! Vega meet day, how I hope I mark appear![自] Happy valenti[文]ne's day。
Togethe[自]r of day is very dull, seems to be modest,[文] just, the ordinar[字]y day is the most romanti[控]c, right?
Like you maybe I am wrong, fall in love with you I really changed[字] a lot! A fool, I love you! Happy valenti[控]ne's day!
Have your concern[控] and greetin[文]gs, at work in the way of peers is your wishes and smile, I appreci[章]ate: in the world of mortals[来] have you。
I like two and a half sphere,[章] you spell togethe[来]r is a whole, affecti[自]on is adhesiv[文]e, sticky and stronge[字]r the more deep feeling[控]s!
Please cherish[控] every chance you have, seize belong to you every moment![文] I belong to you forever[章]! Miss you my love!
The reason I live to the whole meaning[章] of now, for this moment to say to you, I love you, I'll behind you to guard you forever[来]。
True love will surely gestate[来]s sufferi[自]ng, only to dig out in great joy。 You are my one and only。 Happy valenti[文]ne's day!
Blink your eyes, I will die, your eyes blink again, I am alive, your eyes blink to blink, I die again and again。
Who feeling[文]s for you can like me so, as I so strong castle?[字] I like yuan for the pursuit[控] of endless[文] for you!
The world is beautif[文]ul because[章] of you; Because[来] of you, life has meaning[自]; Because[文] of you, everyth[字]ing is sweet。 Happy valenti[控]ne's day, baby!
I have no more words, only thing to say: with you, you are everyth[文]ing! Without[章] you around,[来] everyth[自]ing is you! Happy valenti[文]ne's day!
If you are going to have a lonely valenti[文]ne's day, don't be sad! The person who can bring happine[字]ss to you will soon emerge in your side, believe[控] me!
Wish path without[文] end, just been going hand in hand, life togethe[章]r, let us go after every valenti[来]ne's day, I wish a happy holiday[自]!
A kiss to send you a rose。 The second kiss to you my home。 Three kisses honeymo[文]on to Java, I am a love fool, love you never change![字] Happy valenti[控]ne's day!
Never fade is care for you silentl[文]y, never-e[章]nding is endless[来] longing[自] for you, it will never change is a deep affecti[文]on for you。 Happy valenti[字]ne's day!
I have been ill: eyes can only see your shadow;[控] The ear can only hear your voice; The memory about you; Heart filled with your name。
You ask what is the most beautif[控]ul male toads, his answer must be a female toad。 Beauty lies in lover's eyes, with you, give me beauty I also don't!
Miss you in every night of the stars; Read you in every moment of joy; Looking[文] forward[章] to you in every moment of miss you! Love you in every second breath of gap。
Feeling[来] at this moment,[自] I have the deepest[文] yearnin[字]g, let cloud wisher to bless with full intenti[控]on, embelli[文]sh your sweet dream, wish you have a happy happy valenti[章]ne's day。
Fall in love with you is I this life the biggest[来] happine[自]ss, you are my sweetes[文]t pain, and you togethe[字]r is my pride, I without[控] you is like a lost ship routes。[文]
If you can, I would like to use life each points every second with you, but now I can do, just think of you every minute and seconds[来], the valenti[自]ne day is joyful![文]
Love you is so puzzlin[控]g, is so they threw, I know I won't be you this life only, but you are the love of my life! I wish you a happy valenti[文]ne's day!
I love you from the depths of the soul, I am willing[章] to give life to you, by how much you accept what they were like, now also will never change,[来] the valenti[自]ne day is joyful![文]
Lover's thought[控]s always wet and warm, tough enough to cross the light! Even if you are in the Milky Way, oh, I will also call all the birds, to pave the way for your love!
Season hurried[章] by, time brings changes[来], but why always don't go to your thought[自]s。 A long hanging[文] heart, always miss you, I wish you have a nice valenti[字]ne's day!
Will berth at clouds rising heart harbour[控], slipped[文] the happine[章]ss in your heart, with a wisp of the silk thread of friends[来]hip, will you I tightly[自] tied to the end of the time change![文]
And don't go to the evening[字], a few noted missing[控]; Tao never-f[文]ailing thousan[章]d words, sincere[来]ly blessin[自]g。 Quietly[文] tell you, I miss you, kind regards[字], happy valenti[控]ne's day!
Really want to be your mobile phone, chuai in your arms, holding[章] in your hand, look in your eyes, in your mind! Flowers[来] I sent you, on my thought[自]s and wishes,[文] happy valenti[字]ne's day!
Love you hate you do you know, like a great river process[文] does not stop。 Qian qian wan turns beach, also did not remove in this fight。 You make me glad let me, I love you whole life forever[章]!
Legend of the most remote distanc[来]e, the fairy tale of the space, the tale of the most romanti[自]c of love, happine[文]ss of life is the most beautif[字]ul, the most sincere[控] temple SMS blessin[文]g: happy valenti[章]ne's day!
Went to the autumn leaves,[自] to the winter snow, when the wheel to today, hopeful[文]ly not use letters[字] say goodbye[控], please accept my thought[文]s, let us hand in hand through[章] later every valenti[来]ne's day!
Meet lover's valenti[自]ne's day, you to I went to the fate, have fellows[文]hip and fratern[字]al love, conjuga[控]l love deep as the sea, today is valenti[文]ne's day, I wish you all a brief encount[章]er conjuga[来]l love in one hundred[自]。
Rose scent, delicat[字]e and charmin[控]g, hard to miss myriad elimina[文]tion; Chocola[章]te is delicio[来]us, suppres[自]sed in the heart light grief; Valenti[文]ne's day may benefit[字] from good compani[控]ons, every day more hope to meet you。
Puhuo to bug is gone, no prime must be kept for xueyou, occasionally a person to stay in, three speech and no two language, cowboy across the river on a raft and don't three days here, so this word in front of the world。