As lazy as I am, I will speak to you everyda[文]y, so I can see how much I love you.
Just because[自] someone[文] doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
Many people say that marriag[自]e is the tomb of love, but the love of being able to settle in is better than killing[文] the street.[字]
Now I find that I am just a conveni[来]ence sticker[自] and can be abandon[文]ed at any time.
It is better to fail in what you love than to succeed[来] in somethi[自]ng you hate.
Even if it is broken,[章] missing[来] memorie[自]s, breakin[文]g the past, love traces are in the palm of your hand.
My heart is a crooked[来] brook, and it will flow to you in the end.
Love is only a limited[控] period commodi[文]ty, there will be the end of the day.
Accusto[控]med to weaknes[文]s, the heart will gradual[章]ly weaken,[来] accusto[自]med to depende[文]nce, will gradual[字]ly forget how to rely on themsel[控]ves.
You are aura, I am stupid;[控] you are delicat[文]e, I am rustic;[章] you smell, I am angry; you are angry, I am angry. Everyth[来]ing is only for you.
Happine[章]ss is like the shadow behind you, you can not catch it, but as long as you go forward[来], it will always follow you.
I like you to buy what I love, remembe[文]r what I forget and think about what I want.
In this lifetim[控]e, I don't need much, just a bowl of rice and a cup of tea, but I hope the rice is made by you and the tea is made by you.
I have not forgott[字]en the promise[控] we made. Even if I betraye[文]d the agreeme[章]nt, I had no choice.[来]
For your good, I will think about it. Your poor, I choose to be dumb.
Before I knew you, no one believe[字]d that I was a person to rely on; it was you who made me believe[控] in myself.[文]
In this age of sentime[字]ntality[控], dear, at best, it is a hello.
If one day you say that you are about to leave, I will lose myself in the boundle[文]ss sea.
I hope we can not send you home in the future,[来] but we will go back to our home togethe[自]r!
Leave, let everyth[来]ing become simple,[自] let all have reason to be reforgi[文]ven, let us go back.
If anyone seeks, no woman in the world is floatin[文]g. Because[字] of this, women will be so fascina[控]ted.
Listen,[文] I allow you to like me. We have no alterna[字]tive but to grow old togethe[控]r.
I miss you not because[控] of my lonelin[文]ess, but because[章] I feel lonely when I miss you. The reason why I feel lonely is so heavy just because[来] I think too deeply.[自]
A faint eye is your serious[来] commitm[自]ent, the quiet moment is the whole life of me, I do not want to leave you.
You are everyth[章]ing when you are here; everyth[来]ing is you when you are away. My love is eternal[自].
Don't say I'm good. I'm not that good. Don't say I'm not good. I'm not that bad either.[来] I am me, love or not, you are free.
From now on, Ansheng[章] is a bright and kind-he[来]arted child. He knows how to work hard and starts to live a good life.
Whateve[章]r you want, I will give it to you as long as I have it. What are you going to do outside[来]?
Allow me to build a beautif[文]ul cottage[章] in your heart, never mind others say it is illegal[来].
Althoug[文]h I can't satisfy[章] your greates[来]t materia[自]l life, I can satisfy[文] my heart.
When I like you, I am dumb, I dare not talk to you, I dare not face you.
Emotion[文] is so wonderf[章]ul, always do not believe[来] in love at first sight I began to believe[自]: love at first sight is the soul of love.
Be the first person to wake you up in the morning[章] and be the last person to watch you fall asleep at night.
I am self willed,[文] I am stubbor[章]n, I am mean, I am jealous[来]. But if I don't love you, who cares so much.
When the breeze blows away the summer and all the pessimi[章]stic clutche[来]s, I have already[自] smiled in this world.
The day we meet with you is the startin[来]g point of our whole life. It is my whole life's happine[自]ss to love you.
In love, there is always a protago[来]nist and a support[自]ing role, tired is always the protago[文]nist, injured[字] is always the support[控]ing role.
If you hate me, I don't mind at all. I do not live to please you.
You are the distant[文] place that I can not expect.[章] I am the humble you can touch.
Love, first of all, means dedicat[文]ion. It means giving the power of your heart to the person you love and creatin[章]g happine[来]ss for the person you love.
Now that I have chosen,[控] I have to go on, overdra[文]w my emotion[章]s, and I become indiffe[来]rent.
Happine[来]ss is walking[自] with your lover. Happine[文]ss is eating your mother's favorit[字]e dishes.[控] Happine[文]ss is the childre[章]n's turning[来] around your heels.
The struggl[来]e for happine[自]ss, no matter how hard it is, is not pain, but happine[文]ss, not tragedy[字], but drama.
Love begins with confess[文]ion, confess[字]ion begins with feeling[控], and feeling[文] begins with seeing you at first sight.
You will meet such a person,[文] you touched[字] him, he moved you.
If falling[文] in love with you is a mistake[字], I believe[控] it will be the most beautif[文]ul mistake[章] in life, I would rather miss my whole life.
There are tens of million[控]s of reasons[文] to leave you, but there will always be an excuse to leave behind.[章]
Nobody can add or subtrac[文]t love and figure out how long and how far it will take us to find him.
In my dream, my girlfri[控]end robbed my boyfrie[文]nd. I cried. When I woke up, I found that I had neither[章] a girlfri[来]end nor a boyfrie[自]nd.
When I am in love, I feel that he is not afraid of anythin[来]g. After losing,[自] he is afraid of anythin[文]g related[字] to him.
Like Gu Li's charact[来]er, she said that no materia[自]l love is just a plate of sand.
The deepest[章] love is not necessa[来]rily the most suitabl[自]e for oneself[文], but the most suitabl[字]e one is not necessa[控]rily the deepest[文] love.
Always in the torn moment,[文] it can reflect[字] its unforge[控]ttable beauty.[文]
Time takes away innocen[文]ce, dilutes[字] feeling[控]s and destroy[文]s dreams.[章]
Think of you in the day, think of you in the night, dream around you, look at you in the eyes, hold you in the hand, love you in the heart!
How many stars are there in the sky, how many girls are there in the world? But there is only one moon in the sky, there is only one you in the world.
The grievan[来]ces that can be said are not grievan[自]ces; those who can take away are not lovers.[文]
Love, until after injury,[来] is always sorry, even if you can not feel me.
Margin is the beginning of love and love is the process of love. Let's find the result of love in the ocean of margin and love together.