When you are depress[字]ed, I will be your pistach[控]io. When you are sad, I will be your worry tree.
When you have experie[文]nced love and love, and learned[字] to love, you will know what you need.
If I give up, it's not because[来] I lost, but because[自] I underst[文]and.
Love is like wealth.[来] It depends[自] on the wheel of fortune[文]. It is always on the ups and downs.
One day, you will meet a rainbow[章] gorgeou[来]s person.[自]
Even though you already[章] know, you already[来] don't love me. But still want you to stay with me.
I love you not because[章] of who you are, but because[来] of who I am when I am with you.
If you want to refuse me, you just give me a real reason,[文] I can accept it.
A lazy person like me, if you say every word I have, that means I like you.
Love is an illusio[来]n that is easily suspect[自]ed. Once it is seen, it will automat[文]ically disappe[字]ar.
When you really wait for a person,[自] that person will never appear.[文]
Love is only a limited[章] period commodi[来]ty, there will be the end of the day.
I want to place my thought[章]s on you in the scatter[来]ed stars; let the stars shine in front of your window and sleep with you.
I've been writing[章] our stories[来] from now on. Every word I write, I miss you once, until the future is written[自] into reality[文].
In fact, the happies[来]t fairy tale in the world is just the years spent with you.
If loving you is wrong, I would rather mistake[文] again, choose what you love and love what you choose.[章]
Sometim[控]es you can get what you want most after stickin[文]g to what you least want to do.
The danger we didn't take yesterd[文]ay turned into tomorro[章]w's danger.[来] If you do not conquer[自] tomorro[文]w's danger,[字] you will have to wait for it to be abducte[控]d by life.
If you don't have a refill,[自] you will be thirsty[文] for a lifetim[字]e if you drink the wine that you have brewed.[控]
Love at first sight, but a meteor passing[文] by, can grow old togethe[字]r, is the bright star.
If time can stop, can the world be fixed forever[文] at the beginni[字]ng of knowled[控]ge, in order to protect[文] forever[章]?
You are a clear river. I am the riverbe[文]d beside you. I will always protect[章] you to the ends of the earth. Love you till forever[来]!
Now that I have chosen,[控] I have to go on, overdra[文]w my emotion[章]s, and I become indiffe[来]rent.
People don't always have so much happine[来]ss in happy moments[自], but they don't feel so happy until they lose it.
It seems that the years of flowing[来] water have gone through[自] a period of transit[文]ions. After the death of human beings,[字] only the soliloq[控]uy of oneself[文] and oneself[章] is left.
Once we think that we never forget things,[控] we forget them.
Whateve[字]r you want, I will give it to you as long as I have it. What are you going to do outside[控]?
When I am in love, I feel that he is not afraid of anythin[字]g. After losing,[控] he is afraid of anythin[文]g related[章] to him.
Let you walk through[文] mountai[章]ns and rivers,[来] day and night, I firmly believe[自] that you will never walk out of the wildern[文]ess in my heart.
It is better to fail in what you love than to succeed[来] in somethi[自]ng you hate.
When the breeze blows away the summer and all the pessimi[来]stic clutche[自]s, I have already[文] smiled in this world.
Sometim[章]es, thousan[来]ds of miles away make you feel better than those who are close to you.
How many stars are there in the sky, how many girls are there in the world? But there is only one moon in the sky, there is only one you in the world.
Love is no regret,[文] althoug[章]h painful[来] heart, but think of your tendern[自]ess, in the snowy days, will see the spring,[文] miss you.
Such a person,[章] no matter how much he missed,[来] never met again.
Some people pursue happine[控]ss, so try hard; others have happine[文]ss, so give up.
I am alive only when I am with you. When I am alone, even the most dazzlin[文]g sun loses its luster![章]
Time will gradual[文]ly precipi[章]tate, some people will gradual[来]ly become absentm[自]inded in your heart. Learn to give up, your happine[文]ss needs your own success[字].
When I love you, you are so shining[自]. When I do not love you, you are nothing[文].
I've been looking[文] for that feeling[字], the feeling[控] of holding[文] up a pair of warm hands on a cold day and walking[章] down to earth.
I don't know what to say. I just missed you very much at this moment.[字]
I can't help crying,[字] I can't help falling[控] in love, I can't help recalli[文]ng every moment I am with you, and I know that I love you.
If you hate me, I don't mind at all. I do not live to please you.
I don't believe[章] in everlas[来]ting love, because[自] I will love you more and more each day.
Forget the years, forget the pain, forget your bad. We will never say goodbye[章].
Think of you in the day, think of you in the night, dream around you, look at you in the eyes, hold you in the hand, love you in the heart!
If I don't try to be better than other people who like her, how can I stand in front of her and say you are mine with a smile and pride?
If you want to test my patienc[章]e, please prepare[来] your patienc[自]e first.
Can I refuse all the ambigui[章]ty for me, for a love for you.
Do not deceive[控] yoursel[文]f, a person does not love you, do not care about you, you feel.
Many people say that marriag[控]e is the tomb of love, but the love of being able to settle in is better than killing[文] the street.[章]
Just because[文] someone[章] doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
Happine[字]ss is only a reason for happine[控]ss to exist.
The most fearful[文] thing about distanc[字]e is that you don't know whether[控] the person is missing[文] you or has forgott[章]en you.
Life is like a dance. The person who teaches[控] you the first step is not necessa[文]rily able to walk with you.
Maybe we will miss many people,[字] but we will eventua[控]lly find someone[文] to spend the rest of our lives.
Love, first of all, means dedicat[控]ion. It means giving the power of your heart to the person you love and creatin[文]g happine[章]ss for the person you love.
Do not deceive[控] others,[文] because[章] you can deceive[来] people who believe[自] in you.
Knowing each other is the will of heaven, knowing each other is the will of man, adding up is friendship, affection is intentional, we can get together, because the heart has a soul.