We want to thank our teacher[文]s for teachin[章]g us the philoso[来]phy of being human and not losing ourselv[自]es in the complex[文] and treache[字]rous society[控].
Teacher[字]s'persona[控]l example[文] is the most useful sunshin[章]e for young people's soul, which can not be replace[来]d by anythin[自]g.
You are ordinar[来]y, you are special[自], only ordinar[文]y and special[字] accompa[控]ny with you! Ordinar[文]y + special[章] = happine[来]ss, happine[自]ss!
I feel very comfort[来]ed to see my child making progres[自]s every day. The heart is full of gratitu[文]de, the childre[字]n have you really happy!
If I can fly high, thank you for giving me powerfu[文]l wings. In your eyes, I am like a spring breeze.[字]
Teacher[文]s, today, in our wisdom radianc[字]e, still sparkle[控]s with the sparks you ignited[文].
When you were a student[控] for six years, I underst[文]and that the sunshin[章]e illumin[来]ates life in this way, and the rain and dew moisten[自]s the seedlin[文]gs in this way.
Teacher[章], my child is really too hard for you. Thank you.
Through[文]out my life, I have never forgott[章]en my teacher[来]s and kindnes[自]s. I am very touched[文]. I will never go back. It is hard to buy true feeling[字]s for thousan[控]ds of gold. Everyon[文]e wishes the gardene[章]r!
On the vast sea, you are my beacon.[章] Thank you, teacher[来], for giving me the impetus[自] and courage[文] to move forward[字]. I wish you good health.[控]
I hope all the teacher[字]s will smile from their hearts today, for all the world! As long as the teacher[控] is happy.
Red candle upgrade[字]s the lamp, illumin[控]ates others,[文] improve[章]s oneself[来]; Spring sericif[自]ication[文] books, philoso[字]phical sayings[控], enlight[文]ens descend[章]ants.
Our story is destine[章]d to become an eternal[来] memory,[自] you and I are no longer childho[文]od, no longer wayward[字], life on the road, good teacher[控]s and friends[文].
Teacher[控], althoug[文]h parting[章] for a long time, your image seems to be a brillia[来]nt bright spot, has been flashin[自]g in my heart.
Life wears away with chalk and produce[来]s the fragran[自]ce of peaches[文] and plums on the earth; virtue and knowled[字]ge flouris[控]h side by side, in exchang[文]e for the fragran[章]ce of Chinese[来] calligr[自]aphy.
We grow from trees to trees, but we are always your student[来]s. In your first year of life, I wish you the everlas[自]ting tree of life.
Baduo Bachelo[来]r, Bachelo[自]r of Science[文], Bachelo[字]r of Science[控], Bachelo[文]r of Science[章], Bachelo[来]r of Science[自], Bachelo[文]r of Science[字], Bachelo[控]r of Science[文], Bachelo[章]r of Science[来], Bachelo[自]r of Science[文], Bachelo[字]r of Science[控], Bachelo[文]r of Science[章], Bachelo[来]r of Science[自], Bache
The message[来] is full of my blessin[自]gs, flying to you through[文] time and space, gently greetin[字]g you: Happy Teacher[控]s'Day!
Teacher[文], the sparkli[字]ng light of our wisdom is always sparkli[控]ng with your own sparks.[文]
In words and deeds, teacher[文]s teach us the truth. In work, teacher[章]s teach us the knowled[来]ge. In life, teacher[自]s'kindnes[文]s will always be remembe[字]red.
Tang Zhengzh[文]eng has been a teacher[字] all his life, devoted[控] himself[文] to educati[章]on conscie[来]ntiousl[自]y, raised his head in innocen[文]ce and lived a safe and happy life.
Your hard work is our childre[自]n's motivat[文]ion, our childre[字]n's success[控] is your pride, but our childre[文]n will be proud of you!
Red candle has no mentor and love red. Thousan[控]ds of holiday[文] message[章]s, bless the teacher[来]'s heart.
Life has a long way to go. Teacher[章]s and kindnes[来]s will never forget.[自] Teach me culture[文], help me break through[字] the storm, bless me on festiva[控]ls. May teacher[文]s live a long and healthy[章] life.
Teacher[章]s are gardene[来]rs who cultiva[自]te flowers[文]. Teacher[字]s care like mothers[控]. Teacher[文]s shine like candles[章]. Teacher[来]s like spring silkwor[自]ms have no complai[文]nts and no regrets[字].
A chalk, a three-f[文]oot platfor[字]m, gardene[控]rs create a thousan[文]d-fold rhyme; Septemb[章]er sunshin[来]e, 10-day feast, peach and plum hold up a day.
Mentor is a parent,[章] respect[来]able and respect[自]ful. I wish my beloved[文] teacher[字] a happy holiday[控]! A lifetim[文]e of health![章]
Teacher[章]s are the kindlin[来]g of fire, ignitin[自]g the fire of the student[文]s'hearts;[字] teacher[控]s are stone-l[文]evel, bearing[章] the student[来]s step by step down to climb up.
To dissemi[章]nate knowled[来]ge is to sow hope and sow happine[自]ss. Teacher[文], you are the seeder of hope and happine[字]ss.
The candlel[文]ight reflect[字]s your love and the silk present[控]s your true feeling[文]s. Peach and plum remembe[章]r your grace.
A spring silkwor[文]m may not stop spinnin[章]g silk until death, a candle's tears dry only when it's burned down to ashes. Teacher[来], you work hard! Thank you for your child's cultiva[自]tion and care.
You teach your student[章]s in accorda[来]nce with your aptitud[自]e. We congrat[文]ulate you on your success[字] with excelle[控]nt results[文].
Talk freely,[控] write words and jade, and be diligen[文]t and diligen[章]t. Everyth[来]ing is in order, and everyth[自]ing is in mind.
Teachin[来]g is a way to educate[自] people and win great respect[文]. Society[字] loves teacher[控]s. Zhejian[文]g attache[章]s great importa[来]nce to teachin[自]g. Teacher[文]s and student[字]s are extreme[控]ly happy!
Only through[字] the storms,[控] can we know your value; only after success[文], can we know your greatne[章]ss; Thank you, my respect[来]ed teacher[自]!
Spring breeze in Zhejian[文]g, blowing[字] green peaches[控] and plums, should be regarde[文]d as a teacher[章]'s model; Zhejian[来]g re-educ[自]ation, cultiva[文]te excepti[字]onal talents[控], thank teacher[文]s for eternal[章] moralit[来]y!
Childre[章]n's little progres[来]s can not be separat[自]ed from your educati[文]on, your child's care, patienc[字]e, let me not know how to appreci[控]ate.
Thinkin[字]g of you often gives guidanc[控]e and communi[文]cation,[章] making interac[来]tion between[自] parents[文] and childre[字]n more enjoyab[控]le, and the driving[文] force of learnin[章]g is also more interes[来]ting.
Even though years will shape our face, I will always be your child, beloved[文] teacher[章]!
You work in the present[文], but build the future of the motherl[章]and; you teach in the classro[来]om, but your achieve[自]ments are in all directi[文]ons of the motherl[字]and.
Teacher[文]s piously[字] scatter[控]ed seeds in the classro[文]om, and after several[章] years of cultiva[来]tion, fruitfu[自]l fruits were produce[文]d in society[字].
Teacher[文], your concern[字] is full of my student[控] days, and the days with you are like spring breeze,[文] like spring rain!
To our beloved[控] teacher[文], we searche[章]d for those beautif[来]ul memorie[自]s. Silentl[文]y bless you forever[字], healthy[控] and happy forever[文]!
Heart moves with teacher[控]s, teacher[文]s connect[章] with student[来]s, teacher[自]s and student[文]s share a happy era, teacher[字]s'festiva[控]ls, we wish togethe[文]r.
The apricot[控] altar is brillia[文]nt, the gardene[章]r is very gloriou[来]s, hard work, harvest[自] thousan[文]ds of beautif[字]ul, peach and plum are extreme[控]ly gratefu[文]l!
Your voice, your face and your smiles flashed[控] in front of me from time to time; your charact[文]er and persona[章]lity are always cherish[来]ed in the depth of my memory.[自]
You have illumin[来]ated my way forward[自] with the torch of life. I want to say to you heartil[文]y: Thank you, teacher[字]!
The profess[文]ion of a teacher[字] is sacred,[控] gloriou[文]s and gloriou[章]s. The voice of teacher[来]s is pure, noble and selfles[自]s.
My soul is purifie[自]d by you, my sky is support[文]ed by you, teacher[字], I must give you a blue sky. I wish you happine[控]ss and health![文]
Writing[控] carols with the sky full of rosy clouds and weaving[文] poems with flowers[章] all over the place are not enough for our congrat[来]ulation[自]s on teacher[文]s'festiva[字]ls.
Vacuum,[文] firmnes[字]s, humilit[控]y and simplic[文]ity - this is the song you taught me to sing, and this is the way you guided me in life.
On our way from childishness to maturity, from ignorance to civilization, you use the torch of life to open the way for us.