Don't imagine[字] what he should be like. What we really fall in love with is often far from what we think we will fall in love with.
I am not bad, nor am I a good person.[自] I just do somethi[文]ng I like to do with my temper.[字]
It's not about keeping[文] your partner[字] close to you, it's love, and letting[控] go of your loved ones is also a kind of love.
At the moment when I need you most, you are not there. Lao Tzu wants you to use it. Please go away!
No irrepar[来]able pain, no irrever[自]sible sinking[文], all lost, will come back in another[字] way.
Love, until after injury,[自] is always sorry, even if you can not feel me.
Give others a little time to know you, and give yoursel[来]f a little time to know others,[自] love need not be too hasty.
Sinceri[来]ty is always valuabl[自]e. True love is always the most beautif[文]ul. Sinceri[字]ty is worth paying.[控] True love needs no regret.[文] After crying over pain.
Before I knew you, no one believe[控]d that I was a person to rely on; it was you who made me believe[文] in myself.[章]
If one day we are not togethe[字]r, we must be like each other.
If time can flow back, whether[文] it can return to the moment of departu[字]re, in order not to wander around the horizon[控] alone.
The greates[自]t happine[文]ss of life is to find that the one you love is loving you as well.
With you, my happy world can be seen, my happine[来]ss never ends.
A clear man knows how to give up, a real person knows how to sacrifi[文]ce, and a happy person knows how to detach himself[章].
Your heart can choose to love me or not, but my heart can only choose to love you or love you more.
I really love you, close my eyes, think I can forget,[文] but shed tears, but did not deceive[字] themsel[控]ves.
Perhaps[控] in this life we will not be able to stay togethe[文]r, but our hearts will always be interli[章]nked. You are my life's favorit[来]e and my life's eternal[自]!
Happine[来]ss is like the shadow behind you, you can not catch it, but as long as you go forward[自], it will always follow you.
I miss you not because[自] of my lonelin[文]ess, but because[字] I feel lonely when I miss you. The reason why I feel lonely is so heavy just because[控] I think too deeply.[文]
The eye is astring[字]ent, because[控] the tears are muddy and the love is astring[文]ent, because[章] of the persist[来]ence of decepti[自]on.
I have not forgott[来]en the promise[自] we made. Even if I betraye[文]d the agreeme[字]nt, I had no choice.[控]
Think of you can't sleep, think of your heart beating[字]; love you love the ghost heart, love you love the meat straigh[控]t down!
Like Gu Li's charact[自]er, she said that no materia[文]l love is just a plate of sand.
If it blossom[文]s, it will like it; if it falls, give up. I am glad to accompa[字]ny you on the road because[控] of the scenery[文], not because[章] of you.
Time will slowly precipi[文]tate, some people will gradual[章]ly dim in your heart. Learn to let go. Your happine[来]ss needs fulfill[自]ment.
To love a girl, it is better to keep her and work hard for her happine[来]ss than to abandon[自] her for her happine[文]ss.
In my dream, my girlfri[自]end robbed my boyfrie[文]nd. I cried. When I woke up, I found that I had neither[字] a girlfri[控]end nor a boyfrie[文]nd.
There are tens of million[字]s of reasons[控] to leave you, but there will always be an excuse to leave behind.[文]
There are many things in life that can not be abandon[字]ed, only love can be let alone.
Sometim[文]es, people cry not because[字] they are weak, but because[控] they have been strong for too long.
There is so much warmth in my life. I gave it all to you, but when you left me, you told me how to laugh at others in the future.[控]
Love is fate, love is touchin[控]g, love is habit, love is toleran[文]ce, love is sacrifi[章]ce, love is underst[来]anding,[自] love is a lifelon[文]g commitm[字]ent.
My heart is a crooked[文] brook, and it will flow to you in the end.
Now I find that I am just a conveni[章]ence sticker[来] and can be abandon[自]ed at any time.
You sacrifi[章]ce a little bit of your feeling[来]s, but bring great comfort[自] to the people around you.
Such a habit is also a sweet burden,[来] miss you has become an indispe[自]nsable habit in my life.
If falling[来] in love with you is a mistake[自], I believe[文] it will be the most beautif[字]ul mistake[控] in life, I would rather miss my whole life.
Love should be swallow[文]ed by the pledge of love. Only a single-[字]minded and unswerv[控]ing love is true love.
The angel's wings are broken and fall to the world, becomin[控]g our sorrow;[文] the honesty[章] is thrown away by the bag and scatter[来]ed into the world, becomin[自]g Satan's magic wand.
You are what I can't guess, I am at a loss.
You are everyth[文]ing when you are here; everyth[字]ing is you when you are away. My love is eternal[控].
Setback[字]s will come, they will pass away, tears will flow down, and they will be put away. Nothing[控] can discour[文]age you.
Accusto[控]med to weaknes[文]s, the heart will gradual[章]ly weaken,[来] accusto[自]med to depende[文]nce, will gradual[字]ly forget how to rely on themsel[控]ves.
In love, there is always a protago[字]nist and a support[控]ing role, tired is always the protago[文]nist, injured[章] is always the support[来]ing role.
I love you not because[控] of who you are, but because[文] of who I am when I am with you.
When you can't have it again, the only thing you can do is not to remembe[字]r.
The sea is not dry, the stone is not rotten,[文] my lover, as long as you are happy, I will change with them.
If you love me, I will accompa[自]ny you; if you do not love me, I will give you freedom[文]. This is the silly me, the one who cares about you.
Don't be easy to others,[来] because[自] it will only make others feel that your good is cheap.
I like you to buy what I love, remembe[章]r what I forget and think about what I want.
I want to be the first person to wake you up in the morning[控] and be the last person to watch you fall asleep at night.
The day we meet with you is the startin[字]g point of our whole life. It is my whole life's happine[控]ss to love you.
It may take only a second to love someone[文], but it takes a lifetim[字]e to forget someone[控].
I put aside my dignity[文], put aside my persona[字]lity and put down my stubbor[控]nness just because[文] I couldn't put you down.
As lazy as I am, I will speak to you everyda[字]y, so I can see how much I love you.
Already[文] accusto[字]med to, every night before going to bed with a cell phone to turn out your photos,[控] silentl[文]y thinkin[章]g of you to sleep.
People often only care about whether[控] others care about you, but often ignore whether[文] you care about others.[章]
Suddenl[控]y I want to say sorry to myself,[文] I am sorry, I can never find my origina[章]l self again.
Only when you are drunk can you know who you love the most and know who loves you best when you are sick.