一、Bewar[文]e beginni[章]ngs。慎始为[来]上。
二、Bewar[自]e beginni[文]ng。以谨慎开[字]始。
三、Meet plot with plot。将计[控]就计。
四、Desir[文]e has no rest。人的[章]欲望无止境。
五、Pract[来]ice makes perfect[自]。熟能生巧。
六、Just has long arms。天网[文]恢恢,疏而不漏[字]。
七、Time tries all things。[控]时间检验一切。[文]
八、pain past is pleasur[章]e。过去的痛苦[来]即快乐。
九、Let bugones[自] be bugones[文]。过去的就让它[字]过去吧!
十、A friend is a second self。朋友[控]是另一个我。
十一、Cust[文]om makes all things easy。习惯[章]成自然。
十二、Hast[来]e trips over its own heels。忙[自]易出错。
十三、You think you can,you[文] can。你认为[字]你行,你就行。[控]
十四、Lear[文]n to walk before you run。先学走[章],再学跑。
十五、Bite[来] off more than one can chew。贪多[自]咽不下。
十六、Like[文] teacher[字],like pupil。什[控]么样的老师教什[文]么样的学生。
十七、One is never too old to learn。活[章]到老,学到老。[来]
十八、Doub[自]t is the key to knowled[文]ge。怀疑是知[字]识的钥匙。
十九、Thir[控]st after desert,[文]not reward。[章]渴求美德而非奖[来]赏。
二十、Abse[自]nce makes the heart grow fonder。[文]久别情深。
二十一、Eas[字]t or west,ho[控]me is the best。东奔[文]西跑,还是家里[章]好。
二十二、Fai[来]lure is the mother of success[自]。失败乃成功之[文]母。
二十三、A friend in need is a friend indeed。[字]患难见真情。
二十四、Whe[控]re there is life,th[文]ere is hope。有生[章]命必有希望。
二十五、Wor[来]k won't kill but worry will。劳动[自]无害,忧愁伤身[文]。
二十六、Do not change horses in mid-str[字]eam。别在河[控]流中间换马。
二十七、A great talker is a great liar。最会[文]夸夸其谈的人也[章]最会说谎。
二十八、Con[来]ceit is the quicksa[自]nd of success[文]。自负是成功的[字]流沙。
二十九、To love is to be vulnera[控]ble。去爱一[文]个人就是把自己[章]变得特别脆弱。[来]
三十、Birt[自]h is much,bu[文]t breedin[字]g is more。出身[控]固然重要,教养[文]更且重要。
三十一、It six of one and half a dozen of the other。彼[章]此彼此。
三十二、Tim[来]e is a bird for ever on the wing。时间[自]是一只永远在飞[文]翔的鸟。
三十三、Whe[字]n a friend asks,th[控]ere is no tomorro[文]w。朋友的要求[章]不要拖。
三十四、Con[来]fidence[自] is a plant of slow growth。[文]信任是一种生长[字]缓慢的植物。
三十五、A hedge between[控] keeps friends[文]hip green。有[章]一道隔墙会保持[来]友谊常青。
三十六、Vir[自]tue and happine[文]ss are mother and daugher[字]。美德和幸福犹[控]如母女。
三十七、Som[文]e thing is learned[章] every time a book is opened。[来]开卷有益。
三十八、Eac[自]h man is the archite[文]ct of his own fate。每个[字]人都是自己命运[控]的建筑师。
三十九、Fri[文]endship[章] the older it grows the stronge[来]r it is。友谊地久[自]天长。
四十、All things in their being are good for somethi[文]ng。天生我才[字]必有用。
四十一、Man[控] struggl[文]es upwards[章]; water flows downwar[来]ds。人往高处[自]走,水往低处流[文]。
四十二、He that has a full purse never wants a friend。[字]只要袋里有,不[控]愁没朋友。
四十三、A true friend is known in the day of adversi[文]ty。疾风知劲[章]草,患难见真情[来]。
四十四、Wha[自]t makes life dreary is the want of motive。[文]没有了目的,生[字]活便郁闷无光。[控]
四十五、He who seize the right moment,[文]is the right man。谁把握[章]机遇,谁就心想[来]事成。
四十六、He would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom。[自]千里之行始于足[文]下。
四十七、An open enemy is better than a hollow friend。[字]宁有公开的敌人[控],不要虚伪的朋[文]友。
四十八、Gen[章]ius only means hard-wo[来]rking all one's life 。天才只意味着[自]终身不懈的努力[文]。
四十九、The[字]re are no shortcu[控]ts to any place worth going。到[文]任何值得去的地[章]方都没有捷径。[来]
五十、love[自] is like war,eas[文]y to begin but hard to end。爱就像[字]一场**,开战[控]容易停火难。
五十一、Don[文]'t trouble[章] trouble[来] till trouble[自] trouble[文]s you。麻烦没[字]有来找你,不要[控]去找麻烦。
五十二、One[文] who has seen the ocean thinks nothing[章] of mere rivers。[来]曾经沧海难为水[自]。
五十三、Vic[文]tory won't come to me unless I go to it。胜利是不[字]会向我们走来的[控],我必须自己走[文]向胜利。
五十四、Adv[章]ersity success[来]fully overcom[自]e is the highest[文] glory。成[字]功地克服困难是[控]最大的光荣。
五十五、Dif[文]ficulti[章]es strengt[来]hen the mind,as[自] labour does the body。劳动[文]强体,磨难强智[字]。
五十六、Lif[控]e would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it。生活若无[文]波折险阻,就会[章]过于平淡无奇。[来]
五十七、Eat[自] a peck of salt with a man before you trust him。在你信[文]任一个人之前,[字]先要深入了解他[控]。
五十八、Suc[文]cess grows out of struggl[章]es to overcom[来]e difficu[自]lties。成[文]功来自于克服困[字]难的斗争。
五十九、You[控] make the failure[文] complet[章]e when you stop trying。[来]当你停止尝试的[自]时候,你就完全[文]失败了。
六十、Who judges best of a man,his[字] enemies[控] or himself[文]?谁能最恰当地[章]评价一个人,他[来]的敌人还是他自[自]己?
六十一、Inn[文]ovation[字] disting[控]uishes between[文] a leader and a followe[章]r。创新决定你[来]是领袖还是跟随[自]者。
六十二、Not[文]hing is more preciou[字]s than indepen[控]dence and freedom[文]。没有什么比独[章]立自由更可宝贵[来]的了。
六十三、Liv[自]ing without[文] an aim is like sailing[字] without[控] a compass[文]。生活没有目标[章],犹如航海没有[来]罗盘。
六十四、Lif[自]e is a horse,a[文]nd either you ride it or it rides you。人生像[字]一匹马,你不驾[控]驭它,它便驾驭[文]你。
六十五、We can live without[章] a brother[来],but not without[自] a friend。[文]我们生活中可以[字]没有兄弟,但不[控]能没有朋友。
六十六、The[文] best prepara[章]tion for tomorro[来]w is doing your best today。对[自]明天做好的准备[文]就是今天做到最[字]好。
六十七、You[控]r father's honour is to you but a second-[文]hand honour。[章]对于你来说,父[来]亲的荣誉只是间[自]接的荣誉。
六十八、Dif[文]ficult circums[字]tances serve as a textboo[控]k of life for people。[文]困难坎坷是人们[章]的生活教科书。[来]
六十九、Fri[自]ends are like fiddle-[文]strings[字],they must not be screwed[控] too tight。朋[文]友像琴弦,不能[章]太拧紧。
七十、Trus[来]t not the praise of a friend,[自]nor the contemp[文]t of an enemy。不[字]要信赖朋友的赞[控]扬,也不要仇敌[文]的轻蔑放在心上[章]。
七十一、A man has two ears and one mouth that he may hear much and speak little。[来]人有两只耳朵一[自]张嘴,就是为了[文]多听少说话。
七十二、The[字] reason why a great man is great is that he resolve[控]s to be a great man。伟人之[文]所以伟大,是因[章]为他立志要成为[来]伟大的人。
七十三、Lov[自]e doesn't make the world go round。L[文]ove is what makes the ride worthwh[字]ile。爱不是[控]把地球变圆,爱[文]是让环球旅行有[章]价值。
七十四、You[来]r friend is the man who knows all about you and still likes you。朋友是[自]什么?就是知道[文]你的一切而又喜[字]欢上你的人(包[控]括你的缺点)。[文]
七十五、Qua[章]lity is more importa[来]nt than quantit[自]y。One home run is better than two doubles[文]。质重于量,一[字]支全垒打比两支[控]安打好多了。
七十六、One[文] friend in a lifetim[章]e is much; two are many; three are hardly possibl[来]e。一生有一个[自]朋友就够了,有[文]两个则太多,三[字]个则很难存在。[控]
七十七、The[文] greates[章]t test of courage[来] on earth is to bear defeat without[自] losing heart。世[文]界上对勇气的最[字]大考验是忍受失[控]败而不丧失信心[文]。
七十八、Inp[章]iduals attempt[来]ing to change society[自] prior to first learn to change yoursel[文]f。个人试图改[字]变社会之前首先[控]要学会改变自己[文]。
七十九、Non[章]e is of freedom[来] or of life deservi[自]ng unless he daily conquer[文]s it anew。只有[字]每天再度战胜生[控]活并夺取自由的[文]人,才配享受生[章]活的自由。
八十、Thy friend has a friend and thy friend's friend has a friend so be discree[来]t。你的朋友有[自]朋友,朋友的朋[文]友又有朋友,所[字]以要谨慎小心。[控]
八十一、A girl because[文] she had no shoes to cry,unt[章]il she saw a man who had no feet。一个[来]女孩因为她没有[自]鞋子而哭泣,直[文]到她看见了一个[字]没有脚的人。
八十二、Eac[控]h year one vicious[文] habit rooted out,in time minght make the worst man good through[章]out。每年根[来]除一恶习,恶根[自]亦会成完人。
八十三、How[文] lucky I am to have somethi[字]ng that makes saying goodbye[控] so hard。我是[文]多么幸运啊,拥[章]有一样东西让我[来]的再见迟迟说不[自]出口。
八十四、The[文] man who has made up his mind to win will never say impossi[字]ble 。凡是决心取得[控]胜利的人是从来[文]不说不可能的。[章]
八十五、Unt[来]il you make peace with who you are,you[自]'ll never be content[文] with what you have。除非[字]你能和真实的自[控]己和平相处,否[文]则你永远不会对[章]已拥有的东西感[来]到满足。
八十六、The[自]re's only one corner of the univers[文]e you can be sure of improvi[字]ng,and that's your own self。这个[控]宇宙中只有一个[文]角落你肯定可以[章]改进,那就是你[来]自己。
八十七、Fea[自]r not that the life shall come to an end,but[文] rather fear that it shall never have a beginni[字]ng。不要害怕[控]你的生活将要结[文]束,应该担心你[章]的生活永远不会[来]真正开始。
八十八、Sou[自]nd health is the greates[文]t of gifts; content[字]edness,[控]greates[文]t of riches;[章] trust,t[来]he greates[自]t of qualiti[文]es。健康是最[字]佳的礼物,知足[控]是最大的财富,[文]信心是最好的品[章]德。
八十九、You[来] cannot improve[自] your past,bu[文]t you can improve[字] your future。[控]Once time is wasted,[文]life is wasted。[章]你不能改变你的[来]过去,但你可以[自]让你的未来变得[文]更美好。一旦时[字]间浪费了,生命[控]就浪费了。
九十、Live[文] a noble and honest life。Re[章]viving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again。过[来]一种高尚而诚实[自]的生活。当你年[文]老时回想起过去[字],你就能再一次[控]享受人生。
九十一、Bet[文]ter than a thousan[章]d utteran[来]ce with useless[自] word is one single benefic[文]ial word,by[字] hearing[控] which one is pacifie[文]d。读诵没有用[章]的话语一千句,[来]倒不如只听到一[自]句有益的话带给[文]人安宁。
九十二、The[字] only way to do great work is to love what you do。If you haven't found it yet,kee[控]p looking[文]。Don't settle。[章]成就的唯一途径[来]是热爱自己的事[自]业,如果你还没[文]找到的话,继续[字]寻找,不要屈就[控]。
九十三、Our[文] generat[章]ion s greates[来]t revolut[自]ion is to discove[文]r that everyon[字]e can by adjusti[控]ng the inner mind to change the externa[文]l environ[章]ment。我们[来]这一代最大的*[自]*就是发现每个[文]人都可以凭借调[字]整内部心态来改[控]变外在的生活环[文]境。
九十四、The[章] Eskimos[来] have 52 words for snow because[自] it is so special[文] for them; there ought to be as many for love!爱斯[字]基摩人有52个[控]分别表示雪的词[文]语,因为雪在他[章]们的生活中太重[来]要了;我们也应[自]该有这么多表达[文]爱的词语啊!
九十五、Though one may live a hundred years with no true insight and self-control,yet better,indeed,is a life of one day for a man who meditates in wisdom。假如一个人活了一百岁而没有真实的智慧,又不能自我规律,那倒不如只活了一天,具有智慧和定静的功夫。