1、a friend is a second self。 朋友是另一个我。
2、a true friend is known in the day of adversi[文]ty。 疾风知劲草,患[章]难见真情。
3、a near friend is better than a far-dwe[来]lling kinsman[自]。 远亲不如近邻。[文]
4、A friend in need is a friend indeed。[字]患难朋友才是真[控]朋友。
5、A friend to everybo[文]dy is a friend to nobody。[章]广交友,无深交[来]。
6、a friend is not so soon gotten as lost。 交友慢,失友快[自]。
7、Bette[文]r an open enemy than a false friend。[字]明枪易躲,暗箭[控]难防。
8、choos[文]e an author as you choose a friend。[章] 选书如择友。
9、a thousan[来]d friends[自] are few, one enemy is too many。 朋友千人尚觉少[文],仇敌一人犹嫌[字]多。
10、A faithfu[控]l friend is hard to find。益友[文]难得。
11、Frie[章]ndship multipl[来]ies joys and pides griefs。[自]友谊可以增添欢[文]乐,可以分担忧[字]愁。
12、A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us。一本好书[控],莫逆之交。
13、with[文]out a friend the world is a wildern[章]ess。 没有朋友,世界[来]就等於一片荒野[自]。
14、be slow in choosin[文]g a friend;[字] slower in changin[控]g。 选择朋友要审慎[文],摒弃更要审又[章]慎。
15、a life without[来] a friend is a life without[自] a sun。 人生在世无朋友[文],犹如生活无太[字]阳。
16、A friend in need is a friend indeed。[控]患难见真交。
17、Bett[文]er without[章] gold than without[来] friends[自]。宁可没有金钱[文],不可没有朋友[字]。
18、a bosom friend afar brings distant[控] land near。 海内存知己,天[文]涯若比邻。
19、Abse[章]nce makes the heart grow fonder。[来]久别情深。
20、a friend is best found in adversi[自]ty。 患难见真友。
21、Bett[文]er lose a jest than a friend。[字]宁可不说一句俏[控]皮话,以免得罪[文]朋友们。
22、Frie[章]nds may meet, but mountai[来]ns never greet。朋[自]友可相逢,高山[文]永分离。
23、Frie[字]ndship --one soul in two bodies。[控]友谊是两人一条[文]心。
24、Frie[章]ndship cannot always stand on one side。来而[来]不往非礼也。
25、The friends[自]hip of a gentlem[文]an is insipid[字] as water。君[控]子之交淡如水。[文]
26、A life without[章] a friend is a life without[来] a sun。人生在[自]世无朋友,犹如[文]生活无太阳。
27、Frie[字]ndship the older it grows the stronge[控]r it is。友谊地久[文]天长。
28、Frie[章]nd ship remain and never can end。友谊永[来]固。
29、A friend in court is better than a penny in purse。囊[自]中有钱,不如朝[文]中有友。
30、Frie[字]ndship is love with underst[控]anding。[文]友谊是爱加上谅[章]解。
31、life[来] without[自] a friend is death without[文] a witness[字]。 在世无朋友,死[控]后无证人。
32、he that has a full purse never wants a friend。[文] 只要袋里有,不[章]愁没朋友。
33、a friend is never known till a man has need。 不到患难时,永[来]远不能认识真正[自]的朋友。
34、A ready way to lose friend is to lend him money。失[文]友皆从借钱起。[字]
35、A friend without[控] faults will never be found。没[文]有缺点的朋友是[章]永远找不到的。[来]
36、A bosom friend afar brings distant[自] land near。海内[文]存知己,天涯若[字]比邻。
37、Frie[控]ndship cannot stand always on one side。来而[文]不往非礼也。
38、Betw[章]een friends[来] all is common。[自]朋友之间不分彼[文]此。
39、bett[字]er lose a jest than a friend。[控] 宁可不说一句俏[文]皮话,以免得罪[章]朋友们。
40、an empty purse frighte[来]ns many friends[自]。 囊中无分文,亲[文]友不上门。
41、when[字] a friend asks, there is no tomorro[控]w。 朋友的要求不要[文]拖。
42、Good[章] fences make good neighbo[来]urs。一篱间[自]隔,友谊常青。[文]
43、With[字]out a friend the world is a wildern[控]ess。没有朋[文]友,世界就等於[章]一片荒野。
44、a good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us。 一本好书,莫逆[来]之交。
45、A true friend is one soul in two bodies。[自]真正的朋友好似[文]两个身子长着一[字]颗心。
46、When[控] a friend asks, there is no tomorro[文]w。朋友的要求[章]不要拖。
47、Ever[来]ything is good when new, but friend when old。东西新[自]的好,朋友老的[文]好。
48、A friend to all is a friend to none。滥交[字]者无友。
49、A friend is not so soon gotten as lost。交友[控]慢,失友快。
50、a ready way to lose friend is to lend him money。 失友皆从借钱起[文]。
51、A near friend is better than a far-dwe[章]lling kinsman[来]。远亲不如近邻[自]。
52、An empty purse frighte[文]ns many friends[字]。囊中无分文,[控]亲友不上门。
53、Book[文]s, like friends[章], should be few and well chosen。[来]书籍如朋友,应[自]该少而精。
54、good[文] book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us。一本好书[字],莫逆之交。
55、A hedge between[控] keeps friends[文]hip green。有[章]一道隔墙会保持[来]友谊常青。
56、Fami[自]liar paths and old friends[文] are the best。熟路[字]好遵循,老友最[控]可珍。
57、a friend without[文] faults will never be found。 没有缺点的朋友[章]是永远找不到的[来]。
58、A friend is never known till a man has need。不到[自]患难时,永远不[文]能认识真正的朋[字]友。
59、Be slow in choosin[控]g a friend;[文] slower in changin[章]g。选择朋友要[来]审慎,摒弃更要[自]审又慎。
60、We can live without[文] our friends[字], but not without[控] our neighbo[文]urs。生活可[章]无友,邻居不能[来]无。
61、A thousan[自]d friends[文] are few, one enemy is too many。朋友[字]千人尚觉少,仇[控]敌一人犹嫌多。[文]
62、Ther[章]e is no stronge[来]r bond of friends[自]hip than a mutual enemy。具[文]有共通敌人的友[字]谊最牢固。
63、Frie[控]nds are like fiddle-[文]strings[章], they must not be screwed[来] too tight。朋[自]友像琴弦,不能[文]太拧紧。
64、a friend exagger[字]ates a mans virtue,[控] an enemy his crimes。[文] 朋友宣扬人的美[章]德,敌人夸大人[来]的罪过。
65、We can live without[自] a brother[文], but not without[字] a friend。[控]我们生活中可以[文]没有兄弟,但不[章]能没有朋友。
66、A father is a treasur[来]e, a brother[自] is a comfort[文], but a friend is both。父亲[字]是财富,兄弟是[控]安慰,朋友兼而[文]有之。
67、A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend。[章]开玩笑总不能化[来]敌为友,反而有[自]时会失去朋友。[文]
68、Trus[字]t not the praise of a friend,[控] nor the contemp[文]t of an enemy。不[章]要信赖朋友的赞[来]扬,也不要仇敌[自]的轻蔑放在心上[文]。
69、Admo[字]nish your friends[控] in private[文], praise them in public。[章]在私底下要忠告[来]你的朋友,在公[自]开场合又表扬你[文]的朋友。
70、A brother[字] may not be a friend,[控] but a friend will always be a brother[文]。兄弟不一定是[章]朋友,而朋友总[来]象兄弟一样。
71、admo[自]nish your friends[文] in private[字], praise them in public。[控] 在私底下要忠告[文]你的朋友,在公[章]开场合又表扬你[来]的朋友。
72、Keep[自] the old, meet the new; one is gold, another[文] is silver。[字]保有老朋友,认[控]识新朋友;一个[文]是黄金,一个是[章]白银。
73、Ther[来]e are three kinds of friends[自]: best friends[文], guest friends[字], and pest friends[控]。朋友有三种类[文]:亲密无间的朋[章]友,客人一样的[来]朋友,难缠的朋[自]友。
74、In time of prosper[文]ity, friends[字] will be plenty;[控] In time of adversi[文]ty, not one amongst[章] twenty。[来]富在深山有远亲[自],穷在闹市无人[文]。
75、thy friend has a friend and thy friends[字] friend has a friend so be discree[控]t。 你的朋友有朋友[文],朋友的朋友又[章]有朋友,所以要[来]谨慎小心。
76、Your[自] friend is the man who knows all about you and still likes you。朋友是[文]什么?就是知道[字]你的一切而又喜[控]欢上你的人(包[文]括你的缺点)。[章]
77、One friend in a lifetim[来]e is much; two are many; three are hardly possibl[自]e。一生有一个[文]朋友就够了,有[字]两个则太多,三[控]个则很难存在。[文]
78、Good[章] friends[来] are like bras;sn[自]ug,supp[文]ortive and always close to the heart!好[字]友就像胸罩:温[控]暖舒适,默默的[文]支持着,而且永[章]远贴近我们的心[来]。
79、To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities。维持友谊需要三点∶当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。